Sunday, January 11, 2009

Why Men Fall For Beautiful Women...... And Why Other Women Hate It !

Like Landing a Prize Marlin, Catching a Babe Can Be Elusive....

We men are quite a deluded lot. A trip to the Trophy Club this weekend convinced me once again of the fact. I'm not sure what it is about a few drinks that make a guy guy from Quasimodo to Brad Pitt in an hour, but it happens a lot. And it's pretty sad sometimes.

I don't know how you normal girls put up with our delusions of grandeur, but you somehow usually do. I'm watching the 1996 so-so classic 'Beautiful Girls' right now, and I found two clips from the movie which define both sides of the biggest issue men and real women face: Hot chicks. Why we men objectify women, and why it drives real girls crazy....

First,, what guys think:

And then, what girls think, alos known as The Truth:



  1. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Take off all that make-up and bling, and you have a real girl.

  2. Anonymous5:51 PM

    i love red

  3. Anonymous8:54 PM

    she has a big nose...thats why Mike chose this picture. really, she's crazy, because they all are!
