Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The Founder of Habitat for Humanity Dies..

No, It's Not Jimmy Carter...

Maybe it's just me, but I was always told that Jimmy Carter started Habitat for Humanity after he lost to Ronald Reagan. At the least, he never did much to dissuade the thought. Well, today I found out who the real founder was - unfortunately, it was because he died...

Millard Fuller passed away today after an apparent heart attack. He was 74. Fuller was a testament of how to run a charity group. Everyone who receives from the goup has to participate and contribute - no free rides. It was a precursor to the workfare of the 90's. Fuller was a self made millionaire by 30, who quit his businesses to focus on his marriage and to start an organization that reflected his Christian values. He sounds like a better guy than me, though that's not too hard. The only foundation I ever started was the Mike Reino Foundation for Wayward Strippers.....

So, the next time you see Jimmy Carter doing Habitat for Humanity, remind him who really started it...



  1. I'd like to submit my name to help you sort through the applicants for your charity.

  2. Actually, there was only one recipient. Fortunately for her, she quit the biz... Even in strip bars, I'm monogamous.

  3. Anonymous5:12 PM

    there is always a catch
