Sunday, February 01, 2009

I'm Gonna Make a Great Wife Someday...

Ahh, Super Bowl Sunday. No, I'm really into talking politics today, and there wasn't a whole lot in the news today. Tom Daschle owes a shitload of money for back taxes? That can wait a day. Yes, it is Super Bowl Sunday, but it is still Sunday, so the usual routine still applies...

The good bit of news is that Ben went to Florida for training as he takes over Bobby's old job, so he'll be gone all week. So, I'm naturally doing what any single guy does when he's got the house to himself for a week - I'm cleaning the place.

Yep, I've completely douched this joint from top to bottom. I even gave the dog a bath! When you walk in now, all you smell is lemon, pine and berries ..... Yeah, i've been totally domesticated today, and I'm looking forward to having a clean house for at least one week...

More importantly, after a year and a half, I've been able to pay back everyone I owed money to. Sure, i've still got a couple other bills, but now I can start attacking those, and I still have some extra cash to do things for some friends for the first time in a while.. Thanks to paying Ben off, I also get to slpit the utilities, so my bills just went down about $100 a month. Maybe I can finally get out of town every once in a while. Just in time for Spring....

But that's later on. Today, I'm going to Chris and Paige's casa for some food, fun and football. Then, i'll relax in my fruity home, and enjoy the sweet smell of positive cash flow....



  1. Since you've got money to burn and wanna do some housecleaning, want my address?

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    sounds like a plan
