Monday, March 09, 2009

It Wasn't Pretty Tonight ...

At Least These Guys Have Protective Gear ....

I imagine there are a few people anxiously awaiting my commentary after tonight's Florence County GOP meeting. There were about 50 people there tonight, which is a pretty good crowd, although I thought there might be more attending. It started out OK, but at it went along, it got testier and testier... and then it got ugly. By the end, I was wondering if my blog post from last week had taken the exact opposite effect than I had hoped. We'll see over the next few day before the precinct reorganization.

Like I said last week, my point was to get the two disagreeing sides to meet and hash out the differences, and to find a decent compromise. That still could be possible, but there are some hurt feelings here. I'm not going into detail, because I'm not trying to assess blame , or to make anyone look bad. I'll just put it this way: bad comments have been made, feelings have been hurt, and retaliatory comments were made back. Did I wish a little discretion had been used? oh yeah. Is this all my fault? Not all, although I can't predict how people react to things. I think this was going to happen anyway, but I'll take the hit for pushing it along. Still, better here than at the conventions .

The challenge of politics is being able to really dissect a situation , and take the criticism with a clear eye. Are there ways the current leadership could make it's members feel more like part of the team? Sure. Do the Pee Dee Republicans have a couple rogue members who need to criticize without offending people who have worked for the GOP longer than they've been alive? Sure. Am i a big mouth, flamethrowing A-hole who doesn't know when to keep his trap shut, in the fear of causing irreparable harm? Absolutely...

That being said, where do we go from here? First off, it's time to take a step back and suck in a deep, long breath of fresh air. A couple apologies for the things said that might have been better left unsaid would be a good start. Here's how i picture it....

A: "hey, I'm sorry for hurting your feelings"

B: "No problem, i didn't hear you anyway. I apologize for what I said too."

A: " Water off a duck's back, my friend in the GOP! Hey, how about those crazy Democrats?"....

B: "Yeah.... Let's get back to work !!!"

Sure, it's a bit pipedreamish, but I'll settle for a handshake. The important part is that a little introspection be used on each side, and that the Big Picture is not lost in the pettyness. Both sides care a lot, and they are both dedicated. Whatever way this plays out, we're all in the same sandbox, so we need to stop throwing the dirt in each other's eyes. That old lady tonight was right on two points: We need to work together - and there are 12 zero's in a trillion!

So, how can we be Peaceful Warriors in the Republican Cause? I think it can be best described here by Private Joker. It applies pretty well - just substitute the last line with "In every Voter, there is a Republican, waiting to come out." Peace in Flotown, Yo!



  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Are Hall people causing some of the trouble?

  2. I thought for sure the two sides would come together tonight. Wasn't the meeting at Horne's? Horne's = Fatback. And Fatback brings people together.

  3. Not that I know of, especially since I'm supporting Kevin...

    I blame tonight on two things: a Full Moon, and more importantly, no Meatloaf on the buffet.. WTF !!?? Meatloaf Is Love.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    If Earl Capps was chairman, none of this would be happening. You would all rock together in perfect harmony.

  5. Friends-
    It was brought to everyone's attention at the GOP meeting in Florence tonight that someone made a personal attack against the current Florence County GOP Leadership on this blog site and claimed to be a part of the Pee Dee Republicans. The other slate members and I would like to say this not a behavior that the Pee Dee Republicans think is acceptable. The administrators of our Facebook site will not condone personal attacks on onyone on our site. As administrators we will remove any post that appear to be personal attacks. We challange other blogs to also take the highroad and follow suit. Politics in it's nature is a spirited debate and while we have no problems with those types of debates and infact incourage it in the democratic process, debates should be about issues, ideals, and direction. They should not be personal in nature. While we can't control what is done on other blog sites, as Pee Dee Republicans, lets all try to maintain the highest standard when it comes to promoting the ideals and what we believe as republicans.

    Respectfully Yours,

    Stephanie McLaughlin Rawlinson

  6. HA! County Chairman is a job that's beneath Earl... I wish he would come by once and fix this. Earl would walk in, and everyon would jut instantly get along, the birds would sing, and we'd all be more attractive as well, I think.

    Stephanie, I appreciate the step you're taking here, and if I come across a comment that gets personal, i'll be more discriminate.

  7. Actually, guitars would sign, heads would bang, fists would be raised in the air, bimbos would take their tops off, and Republicans would ... ROCK AND ROLL!!!!

    It think the person must've been talking about my rumored State Chair candidacy?

  8. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Dittos Mike on your reply to Stephanie. We can disagree without being disagreeable, though I still take umbrage to RINOs that give RHINOS a bad name.

  9. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Wish I could had been there. I do wish all of you well in Florence. Now back to the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. Lance Mackey has dropped to number six but a long way to go. Now back to you. Welcome everyone and all ideas. Share your party. Mike you know how hard it is to stay involved. A lot of people do for awhile and lose interest mostly because nothing changes and they do not feel part of something. Florence is full of good people and you know I aint no fan of the area but this will work itself out. It certainly may take awhile. See who will be there in two years.

  10. Anonymous1:15 AM

    I do not think it is REPUBLICAN to attack people by supposedly speaking for their deceased relatives and talking about their children's ailments. Making old ladies cry and telling other old ladies they can't speak. I was taken aback. I am a gentleman and the Republican Party is a gentleman's party. I will not be let by such a non gentleman and non Republican. I will not be attending anymore meetings as long as the current regeim is in place. I do not come to see women and children attacked.

  11. I know the point the person was trying to make, and while it's not the route I would have taken, i'm sure an apology will come in time. I had no problem with where thye were going with that argument, but I wouldn't have called people out by name.

    Since these things have already been said, all you can do is try to fix it from here, an it's never too late to do that.

  12. Anonymous11:39 PM

    It's an easy fix, elect a new chairman. Do you really think a year or two at the foot of the master is going to give any right thinking person any insight into how to run a local party? The incumbent chairman has held the office for 7 years, I can't think of any other person in the last 35 years who has held it longer than 2years. Posted by Mark Buyck, III

  13. I think the Vice-Chair job is for preparing that person to be the next Chair, and we don't hav anyone prepared for it, and Tommy is partially to blame for it. Ken has the skills to be Chair, but the time constraints he has owning a business and being on Council concern me. No doubt we will have many positives with new leadership, I just wish it weren't so combative.

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Mike- Just wanted to make sure you knew the truth about something. Ken sold his business a while back and he is not seaking another term on County council. He has made that public knowledge.

    Stephanie Rawlinson

    PS- I can't remember my user name or password for this blogger thing so I am going to post this under annon...but want people to know, I don't put things out there with out my signature if I say them.

  15. Ken didn't mention anything about selling the business when we talked last week, perhaps due to confidentiality stuff. Of course ,he does still have 3 1/2 years left on his Council term, but not having day-to-day responsibilities does make it much easier for him to do the job. I know I couldn't do it working full-time.

  16. Anonymous11:01 AM

    JohnBoy, not to excuse boorish behaviour, but there is political warfare that hits the fan. If you're a Republican, Reagan's 11th commandment should be a part of anything you do or say, keep your powder dry for the non-GOP opposition, they're doing that with you in the sights of their muskets...

  17. Anonymous6:42 PM

    dont make me move north and straighten you guys out
