Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where's The Love ?

No need to look out the window - there is DEFINITELY a Full Moon out this week. Normally, you can tell at work, but it's been surprisingly quiet and friendly there. Politically, there is no doubt that a Full Moon is out. Everyone is fighting with everyone. Rush Limbaugh is fighting with Michael Steele. Will Folks is fighting with Jeff Sewell. Jeff is fighting with Earl. The Pee Dee Republicans and the Florence GOP are at odds - and I think I just saw two nuns going at it a few minutes ago too......
I'm sure I've ticked off a few people here and there this week, but I'm don't have any problems with anyone. I'm a lover, not a fighter.. So, what does one do when trouble seems to encircle your world? You stay positive.
We've got some tough times ahead in the party for the next few weeks. Lots of head butting to come. So, i think the best thing I can do now is to try to keep things positive for the most part. I'll try to pepper in some of those posts that don't involve politics to keep things interestingly fun. Personally, I'm going to try and keep more in touch with my friends, and those people I care about. That's the important part of life, right?


  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    I can feel the love

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    I totally agree with you Mike...we must stay positive and comtinue to go forward even if feelings do get hurt or if people butt heads.

  3. Well, just remember if you stand there long enough, minding your own business, someone will add you to their hit list.

    Get before you get gotten. Isn't that a mafia rule of business relations?

  4. Yeah Earl, I've had my own head-butt's with people on this blog and in the field too. Right now, my advice is to be like Gandhi, ignore the insults, and be above the pettiness.

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    When I find love, I'm usually itching afterwards. Doctor Mike, why do you think this is?

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I understand sewell banned earl and will cause he thinks they are big fat liars?

  7. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Anyone see where Folks made fun of Adam Fogle for being in a wheel chair, class act that guy.

  8. Will and Fogle have been at it for awhile, most of these others are newer. I just had problems with Adam for Reagan Commandment violations...

    I've know Earl for 4 years,and I've never seen much inconsistency from him. Will and I are not as tight, but he has one hell of a blog - in case you hadn't noticed similarities between SC6 and FITS.
