The Dream Didn't Involve Beans, But........
The story you are about to read is absolutely true... In the middle of all the news involving Barack Obama, he managed to invade my sleep last night. Like most dreams, it didn't make much sense last night - but it was pretty funny.
Where do I start? Well, it was like we were on the campaign trail. I was sitting in the back of a minivan or something like that, and Michelle Obama was passing by, but I couldn't manage to get the camera to focus to take her picture. I think her hands were to big to fit in the frame...
Next, i'm outside, and Barry (as I like to call him) and Michelle are in a crowd - passing out cornbread. Cornbread.. I shit you not. Why I was picturing cornbread is beyond me. Maybe it was a bad refernce to the Whoopie Pie post from last night. Or maybe I'm just a big racist. At least I didn't dream of chicken or watermelon, right ?????
But wait, we're not done yet. Barack comes by to say hi, and he asks me how the South Carolina congressional delegation is getting along - like I would know.. Anyway, I'm pretty tongue-tied, and I made no sense whatsoever. That part I understood. It was a clear reference to me picking on Obama's ugly speech that he gave in California the day before the Leno mess. At least soemthing made sense.
It's rare that I wake up from a dream laughing, but I was laughing my ass off last night. It reminded me of the Dave Chappelle segments with Charlie Murphy talking about Prince, Pancakes and Basketball. The Obamas and Cornbread. Maybe it was stimulus payments they were passing out..
was it white or yellow corn bread
ReplyDeleteJust wanted the Iditarod fans to know that Lance Mackey has won the race again and it makes three in a row.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to Lance, although I'm not sure how many sled sog race fans we have here in NASCAR Country...
ReplyDeleteIt was the yellow cornbread , in big rectangular blocks - like 2x4x2 inches. It looked a little dry to me. Never trust the Guvmint Cornbread !!!
Mike, let me know if you need me to come up there and drug test you. I've got the kits, and it just takes five minutes.
ReplyDeleteMike, how old was that scrapple and what color was the fuzz growing on it? More importantly (for SPCA) did any pets eat any?
ReplyDeleteCDC also suggested asking if you had consumed any contraband Whoopie Pies or Obama Koolaid?