Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama's Foot In Mouth Disease, Part II...

Picking On the Handicapped Tops Obama's Bad Week.....

You know, I didn't think that I'd be writng about Barack Obama sticking his foot in his mouth on consecutive days, but he's really screwing up this week. The man needs his teleprompter back, and BAD .....

In case you missed it, here is the clip of Obama accidentally insulting handicapped people on Jay Leno last night...

Now, he almost got away with it, and Leno did a pretty good job of ignoring the comment, but when you say something like that on National TV, you earn the criticism. His staffers did the right thing by calling Special Olympics immediately to apologize, but it wasn't exactly asking for forgiveness from your biggest detractors...

What do i mean? Obama called the Director of Special Olympics, Tim Shriver. Tim Shriver, as in sister of Maria Shriver, Obama's spokesperson in California. Tim Shriver, as in nephew of Ted Kennedy, Obama's first big backer last year. Was there any doubt that Shriver was going to accept his apology?

I think Obama has learned a valuable lesson this week. First, he should stick to the teleprompter more, because his extemperaneous skills are not as sharp as people think, or they're getting worse from having to actually run the country. Secondly, California may have elected you, but it is a double-edged sword. Thy love knocking big shots doen there just as much as they do in DC....



  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I can carry you to the alley in Greeleyville a listen to the jive talk coming from them dudes and you can see where Obama gets his.

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    At least he was more civil than Rangel's latest youtube faux pas

  3. That's true. Rangel is incapable of telling the truth. He was on Fox yesterday, and spent the whole time blaming everyone else for his problems, and trying to defend $9.3 trillion more in deficit spending..

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I heard that Rangel youtube bit, telling a constituent to "mind his GD business" after asking about his charging a $800.00/month '08 or '09 Caddilac back to the taxpayers, his five rent subsidized apartments in Manhattan AND his vacation home in Central America that he "forgot" (e.g. choser not to) pay taxes on rental income...
