Saturday, March 14, 2009

Precinct Reorganization: Smooth Sailing Today

No, This Sign Wasn't Outside S. Florence High, But It Should Have.

Okay, I know there are a lot people anxiously awaiting my report on what happened today in the first round of Florence's reorganization. So, enjoy as I tread lightly over today's happenings at South Florence High School. If you were hoping for a blow-by-blow account of a Battle Royal, I'm sorry to disappoint you - it was very quiet and pretty friendly.

No, I didn't bring my camera today. Everyone there is probably paranoid enough with me as it is, so taking pictures realy would have freaked people out. I left it home, but I did have my picture taken with a guy in an elephant costume, while he was talking trash at me. There are few things worse than getting downed by a mascot, but it was all in good fun.

First, the ugly - as in the ugly weather. Yeah, it was pretty cold. Making matters worse, they forgot to unlock the doors to get in, so we didn't get into the building 'til about 9:20. Once that was over, it went pretty smoothly, except for me. I'll get back to that.

The attendance was much better than it was a couple years ago. I estimated about 100 attendees, about doubel from what I remember in 2007. Two of the candidates for SCGOP Chair were represented today, with candidate and Saprtanburg Chair Rick Beltram there, and George Ramsey representing the Kevin Hall team. Both were courteous to not take up a lot of time. I spoke with Rick for a few minutes beforehand, and like the saying goes, few people are as great as you think, and most are not as bad as you think either. He didn't go into why we should vote for him today, but kept the message on building a strong team at the local level.

By this time, we were broken into our precincts. Savannah Grove was next to us, and I thought it was nice to see Philip Lowe and Licia Stone, who ran against Lowe in the 2006 Primary, sitting at the same table. For as big a precinct as I live in is, it was a bit disappointing to see only four total people attend. We were alloted 15 delegate positions, so my work is cut out to get the eleven spots filled by next week. But I had my own little problem at first...

Uhhh, I wasn't on the Precinct Roll Sheet. Why? I was in Hilton Head on Primary Day, so I wasn't on the list. No big deal, I had my card. The funny part was at the end, when it came time for precinct positions. The other attendees didn't want to have a position, so everything fell onto my lap today. As far as the GOP is concerned, I am South Florence 1. So now, it's all my fault...

Okay, now time for the dirt. After all, the purpose of today was to register people to serve as delegates fo next month's County Convention, where they will choose a new Chairman, Executive Committeeperson and Vice-Chair. Judging by the unofficial numbers of what I saw there, the current leadership has their work cut out for themselves. I'd estimate the supporters of the Pee Dee Republicans slate were 2-1 or more.

There aren't just a bunch of newcomers here, either. Long-standing GOP activists, including some who hold office, are involved or supporting the slate. Today was the first time I heard someone who supports the current leadership mention that they not run for re-election. Personally, I never was afraid to lose - good thing, because I was excellent at it - but that's completely up to them. Its not totally lost yet. I have 11 open delegate spots in my precinct alone, so there are a lot of open spots left to fill. Would I tell the people I recruit how to vote? Hell no.

All that aside, it was pretty encouraging to see all of these people interested in moving the party forward work together today. Granted, the real fun will be in 4 weeks. If you are interested in attending the County Convention, it's not too late. They will be registering people next Saturday, March 21st at 900AM at Horne's Restaurant on S. Irby Street. Hopefully, they'll be serving Meatloaf that day....



  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    We had probably over 60 people and maybe a couple of more. We did fill up several precincts including our biggest Jordan with 15 Delegates. Wyboo Plantation really made a show Thursday night. They did control most of the Jordan Precinct and have some in Davis Station as the District has been split since June Primary. We should have a very good convention with a lot of new officers elected here. I still have a couple of Precints in my District I am trying to get Delegates for the Convention also. It really is hard.

  2. Good job on accounting what occurred today at Precinct Reorganization. We appreciate everyone that came out to support continuous growth in the party, we are not done yet and any republican who was unable to attend today should be sure to attend precinct reorg next saturday at Hornes at 9am!!!

  3. Sounds like good news - the Florence GOP has been needing to grow its party base for a long time.

  4. Thanks, Jamie. I've tried to be as objective as possible during this.

  5. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Hey- I just got a report that the back room at Hornes was not reserved and we are now going to be in the Conference Room at the Country Hearth Hotel? Is there any truth to that or is it just another rumor? Is the Country Hearth part of or attached to Hornes?

    Stephanie Rawlinson
