Friday, March 13, 2009

It's Probably Too Late, But Here's The Info. On The Precinct Reorganization...

Get Ready For Round One Tomorrow ....

On the off chance that you're reading this between 10PM Friday and 830AM Saturday, you're a Republican, and you didn't know that the Precinct Reorganization was Saturday, we have big news for you. The Precinct Reorganization is Saturday at 900AM !!!!

There will be two meetings: one in Florence and one in Pamplico. The purpose of these meetings will be to select precinct delegates for the countywide elections in April, and members of the executive committee - at least I'm pretty sure. Here are the precincts that go to Pamplico at the City Fire Station:

Pamplico #1 and #2

Mill Branch



Coward #1 and #2






If you go to any other voting precinct, you will go to South Florence High School at 900AM. Make sure you bring your voter ID card. To attend the reorganization, it's free, but all delegates at the county convention will be paying $25 next month. I got it!



  1. Its not too late for you to ditch the Hatfield and McCoys and come to 5 Points and help us down some Guineii in the rain and cold.

  2. Sorry P-Luv, even though one of my buddies is going after the Reorg is over. To quote Ruben from 'Road Trip', "I have a feeling that the People of Planet Earth are gonna need me."

    No doubt I'd get sick in that messy weather manana...Have one for me.

  3. Mike I don't know where you received this information but I think you might be mistaken,at the meeting it was decided that there would be a $25 fee for the county convention on April 11 but nothing was said in any of the advertisements put out by the current leadership that said there was going to be a $25 fee for precinct reorganization! There were 50 witnesses to this at the meeting.

  4. Anonymous11:33 PM

    It's not free? You mean you have to PAY to be a Republican? Who made these rules anyway?

  5. Anonymous1:53 AM

    It is free. There is a $25 donation for attending the county convention but the precinct organization is a freebie. Mark Buyck III

  6. Anonymous7:58 AM

    There has been no mention of a $25 fee to attend at any county meetings or in any of the advertisements paid for by the Florence County Republican party. I am a member and if a fee is charged I never voted on it nor did any other member at the meetings. Stephanie McLaughlin Rawlinson

  7. Thanks for clarifying that info. - i'm not a details person, which is why I don't run for anything anymore. It makes sense - you shouldn't pay to be able to vote, but paying for the the power of choosing the leaders is fairer.

    Honestly, I was paying attention to other things, rather than the actual words being spoken on Monday, if that makes any sense.

  8. It's good to see everyone up and at 'em so early today! And that we're part of the morning routine. i'll see you guys there..

    Just in case the thought crossed anyone's mind, because it crossed mine - I accidentally messed up the event you paid at. This wasn't an attempt to turn off people from attending the precinct reorganization by telling them they had to pay today. I don't play that game. I apologize..

  9. Anonymous2:36 PM

    What amazes me is that people can complain like hell yet do these same folks think that all the work that goes into a party and campaigns are free. We are not Democrats for Gods sake. Nobody gives you something for nothing. Donate some money to your local state and national party and quit bitching.
