Saturday, March 14, 2009

Those Bastard Republicans, AKA Who's Yo Daddy?

Can We Have a Leader Please, Sir ???
A recent Rasmussen Reports survey confirmed what we all knew already - the Republican party has no clear leader right now. In fact, 68% of Republicans surveyed agreed that the GOP has no Number One right now. Only 5% considered John McCain to be the leader of the party. The same goes with GOP Chair Michael Steele, while Rush Limbaugh got 2%, and Sarah Palin got 1%. Guess what? They're right, and right now, who cares?
Granted, in 2012, the party needs to have a strong candidate, but two months after Barack Obama's inauguration is not the time to worry about who's goin gto take him on. Four years ago, it was pretty safe to say that the Democrats were pretty leaderless as well. John Kerry wasn't exactly the face of the party after he left, was he?
I wouldn't say that the GOP is in shambles, but much like a Phoenix coming out of the ashes, there will be new faces to lead the party, and they just seem to occur naturally. Somewhere out there, is a fiscally conservative person out there, who can give the Republican message in a clear way that everyone can understand. No, it's not me. He/she can't hang out at the Trophy Club. Some people look down on that stuff..
Want to know another funny statistic? In the same survey, only 66% of Democrats consider Barack Obama the leader of the Democratic Party. Seems obvious to me, but maybe you'd think that they consider Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid to be their leader. Nope. Pelosi got 4%, Reid didn't even register. A whole 26% of Democrats said either their party has no clear leader, or they weren't sure who was in charge... WTF ????? P-Luv, can you explain that one?
If you're President , you're The Man, right? Either there are some Super Liberal or Blue Dog Dems that feel Obama doesn't represent them, or they think the Democratic leadership is the happy, equal coalition, where everyone works as a team with the same goals in mind. Yeah, I had to stop while I typed it to laugh....
So, it's OK that the GOP hasn't already decided who our candidate will be in four years already. Obama wasn't on the radar in 2005 either. He/She is out there...


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    does this mean that you are a candidate

  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    One more thing up in alaska at the Iditarod race Lance Mackey is still leading and he is out of Eagle Island. This sled dog race started last Saturday. I hate that I missed it this year but this sickness got me. Next year you should take a few days and head up there with me. It is great at the start in Anchorage then the ReStart in Willow and of course the finish in Nome. Serious it is a beautiful thing to witness.

  3. 26 percent of the people surveyed were complete idiots or imposters.

  4. Thank You, P-Luv. I thought it was just me..

  5. No Moye, I'm not running fo anything. Even when I don't run, I still end up with jobs, as evidenced by today's events.

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Mike, Earl is talking about William Shatner again. Better go set him straight.
