Sunday, March 15, 2009

Why a Third Stimulus Is a Bad Idea...

Maybe A Stimulus Will Work - If George Hamilton Stays Out of It .

I read an article on that quoted Chief Economic Guru Larry Summers as saying that the stimulus is already working. Quite a strong statement, considering that almost none of it has even hit yet. Anyone get that $13 a week yet? Of course not, it doesn't start until April. I read what Summers said, and I would consider asking for a retraction, because that's not really what he said. Those media people - they never get anything right!!

Anyway, there are rumblings already going around DC that a Second Stimulus hsould be enacted. This really would be a third stimulus, when you take Bush's $150 billion giveback last year into consideration. That is the trap. Beware of the second sequel.. Need an example? I give you The Godfather, Part III.

We all know sequels usually suck. But sometimes, the second one is better than the first. Congress and the Obama Administration think that right now. That's when Part III thought start to sink in. Bad idea... First off, you put all of your energy into Part II, you try to expand on the characters (ex. Young Vito, Kay gets balls). You sit back and say "I've done the impossible", and you sit back.....

After a while, people start coming to you, talking about unfinished business, that there's even more that can be done, and the possibility of three epics start to invade your thoughts. Next thing you know, you rush a script, and guys like Fredo and Frank Pentangeli are dead. Instead , you add George Hamilton, Andy Garcia, and you hire your daughter to play a major role, only to find out that she's a better director than an actress. Then everyone says, 'He should have stopped at two'...

Stimulus packages are no different. Congress has done plenty, and probably too much already, but I have no doubts that there are Senators or Congressmen who have no concept of finance or economics, that think that sustained spending for the next 2 years is not enough. I'd say it would be smart to sit back, and see what happens in the next 6-12 months. Frankie Five Angels would be proud....But sometimes people don't speak the same language as you, as evidenced here....



  1. Anonymous1:42 PM

    i am still waiting on my bail out

  2. You're not getting any, Moye.
