Thursday, March 12, 2009

What Would He Have Gotten If He Threw BOTH Shoes ?

Iraqi Shoe Tosser Gets 3 Years... And No Trip To Crawford, TX !!
Munthadar al-Zeidi, the Iraqi reporter who was arrested for tossing his shoe at Pesident Bush during his last visit to the country last fall, was convicted of assaulting a foreign leader, and was immediately decapitated, chopped up, and his entrails were made into asphalt and poured on the new George W. Bush overpass in downtown Baghdad...
Okay, he actually got three years in prison. It was a pretty bad scene at his trial today,and I think we all saw this backlash coming. His family went all nuts in court, and now the guy is considered a hero and a martyr of sorts - for tossing his shoe at someone. Sometimes it's better to let an idiot get off the hook for his stupidity. Instead, this guy is a star. I'll make a wild prediction here, and you'll think I'm nuts - but I'm serious. This guy will be Prime Minister of Iraq within ten years. Check back here in 2019, so I can say I told you so...


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Geez, the guy that tossed a shoe at Achmediinijihad in Iran this week was beheaded... I know CNN/Al Jazeera doesn't want to distract from increasingly unpopular stimulus coverage to recognize freedom of expression and the tediosu process of justice under the Sharia law the long for Barack Hussein Obama Jr. to bring forth...

    ...they'll be disappointed in that too. Barack's allies would suffer significantly under Sharia law, gays, abortionists, womyn's rights activists might expect to be immune, but.

    (Never mind were President Obama ever a Mohammedan, there would be a Fatwah on him now.)

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    they should have given him life
