Wednesday, March 11, 2009

You Can't Kill Colonel Sanders ...

The Colonel Rises From the Dead In Osaka, Japan.

Hmmm... Right after wondering what non-political subject I should address today, i went online - and there it was. You can't get much more non-political than Colonel Sanders, especially when he comes back to Earth after 24 years under the murky waters of the Osaka River....

Okay, let's backtrack a bit. It's 1985, the local baseball team in Osaka, Japan has just lost a big game, and one player is to blame. The angry fans take to the streets, and start going crazy. Standing there, a lonely statue of Colonel Sanders is in front of the local KFC - and he looks EXACTLY like the player !! The fans knock the Colonel over, carry him to the Osaka River, and toss him in! And there he stayed for 24 years...

Thanks to GPS, The Colonel's remains were found and, just like The Hunley, were raised and cleaned up. Just to show how badass Colonel Sanders is, he was still standing up! Granted, he had lost his glasses - and his arms and hands! But aside from that, he was ready to kick ass and sell chicken again. Welcome Home, Colonel - now get back to work!



  1. Uh...maybe they took out the Colonel because he put an addictive chemical in his chicken that made them crave it fortnitely, smartass.

  2. No need to look that clip up.. Thta' on eof my brother's favorite Mike Myers movies..

    Eat ma' Chicken, Eat ma' Chicken !!!!

  3. Head! Trousers! Now.

    The best scene is arguably Park Ranger John Johnson, but everyone here calls me Vicky.

    here's something the other tour guides won't tell you...

  4. Anonymous10:56 AM

    So the player looked like Ho Chi Minh? (Okay, Ho really did have a passing resemblence to Harlan Sanders)

  5. No Flied Lice Prease ...
