Monday, April 13, 2009

Forget Waldo, Time to Play Where's Reino..

It's 1974, And Lil Mikey's Dressed Very Badly....

Maybe Facebook isn't so cool after all.... I was going to post this later, but this was too funny to sit on til tomorrow.. I ran across the facebook page of some of my best friends from elementary school, and there it was - my first grade class picture!

Yep, we had some pretty nasty fashion senses back at Hemlock Elementary School back in '74... This pic did confirm one thing for me. I thought Ms. Eisenberg was pretty hot when i was six, and I see I was dead on balls accurate. She was smokin !!!!

So, we're going to play a little game today. Find me in the picture. It shouldn't be too tough, but with the length of hair back then, who knows. Besides, I could have been a blonde as a kid, right? I'll give you a clue...... Will somebody please FEED ME !!!!!!!!! Enjoy, and leave your guess in comments.



  1. I the only one who finds it funny that you went to a school called Hemlock Elementary?? Are you the one in the sailor suit...I bet that kid got beat up! LOL! Steph

  2. Well, it was actually Hemlock Park Elementary, like the tree - not the poison!

    Nope, that kid was Timmy O'Brien. He was the only kid I knew that wanted to be a mercenary when he was in the Sixth Grade. He was an interesting guy...

    Thanks for being the first to play. I showed this to everyone at work, and only 1 out of about 15 total people got it right. I'm the guy with the moustache in the back row.. Kidding!

  3. you in the #18 shirt?...or are you the teacher on the right?

  4. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Bottom left, in green.


  5. Anonymous12:14 AM goes...I guess the cute little Guy in front on the left with the green shirt and the plaid pants who looks like he could use a snack or two....something about the eyes...Betty...If I guess right do I win something?

  6. Good Job Celia and Betty ! I always knew I was little as a kid, but not THE SMALLEST. I was a runt ! I was always in the front row, and I finally got big enough by 6th grade to think I'd get out, but they decided to have the smallest kids sit in chairs on the 2nd row, and the next group would sit in front ... AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH !!!!!!!!!

  7. does that little girl have her finger in your ear

  8. Those are some fly pants, yo.

  9. Hey, it ain't easy pulling off plaid pants when you're five. Actually, Will i Am borrowed those from me last week..

  10. Love those pants.

    Hemlock - I'm betting there are those who wish you'd give a salute to your old school.
