Monday, April 13, 2009

SC6 Remembers Harry Kalas.....

It's a sad day for baseball fans today, as we learned of the passing of famed Philadelphia Phillies announcer Harry Kalas. Harry was the Phillies announcer since 1971, and he teamed with Richie Ashburn for an amazing 27 years until Ashburn , a Phillie legend, died in 1997. Kalas died probably where he would have most wanted to..... in the booth before today's game with Washington. He was 73.

Kalas was probably the most recognizable voice in all of baseball, if not sports altogether. He also did commercials for the NFL, and other sports related ads. I spent two summers in Suburban Philly, working at my Cousin Mike's printing store. After getting home, we'd turn on KYW Radio, and listen to Kalas and Ashburn's minimalistic, yet still descriptive playcalling. To this day, I still would imitate Kalas' "Up to the plate steps Michael Jack Schmidt".....

It's part of life. You get older, and the things that were around when you were a kid - the things you took for granted as always being there - slowly go away. That, and your High School Prom Queen becomes a grandmother at 38.... It's a cruel cycle, but it happens. New legends will be made and all we can do is appreciate them while they're here.... Or at least say thanks when they're gone. Thanks, Harry.


1 comment:

  1. Every year, at the start of the season, Directv and MLB gives the first week or so games for free. I always try to catch as many as I can, just to hear Vin Scully. I hear that voice and can't help but think of elementary school and little league baseball.
