Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hear Ye, Hear Ye !!!! Come to the Florence Tax Day Tea Party !!

April 15th At the Florence City-County Complex... You Don't Have to Dress Like an Indian ...

I will be unable to attend, due to work duties, but just because I won't be there doesn't mean you shouldn't attend a good event. Tomorrow at 5:00 PM, Republicans from across the Pee Dee will gather to protest the crazy direction that America has taken with regards to spending and taxes. Like other cities across South Carolina, the Tax Day Tea Party comes to Flotown !!



  1. not a pee dee republican mg2:17 PM

    sounds like a great idea. you pee dee republicans are really working hard.

  2. I'm having a Long Island Ice Tea Party.

    Don't know if you saw it, but David Shuster's bit on Countdown the other night was funny. He was talking about how Dick Armey was involved in pushing these things and ended by saying something like: "Well...if you're going to be teabagging simultaneously all over the country, you're gonna need a Dick Armey."

  3. Anonymous5:02 PM

    pluv lets not define tea bagging here, though log cabin and stonewall constituencies might be titillated in part...

  4. bobby8:15 PM

    the real party was here in Charleston with Sanford on the Custom House steps.

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Party was great Mike....we missed you and the TV media.....I guess they did decide it was not worth covering

  6. Anon, only Ed Robinson gets on TV from the City-County steps.. If you would have had him, you'd be all over the tube!

  7. west_rhino9:32 AM

    CNN had the opposition message, that it was all partisan and hateful and probably right wing hate groups that drink FOX NEWS kool aid... nevermind the "registered Democrats" that surfaced on many local news outlets among the protesters.

    On the same subject, we hear that National Park Service wouldn't allow the million tea bags to be deposited on the Mall in DC...
