Tuesday, April 14, 2009

SC6 Gets Hit By the SPAM Police ..

All Together.... WTF ???

I'm not sure exactly what is going on here, but I just got an e-mail from Blogger, telling me that SC6 has been identified as a possible SPAM Blog. After 1955 posts, I might be getting temporarily shut down... Who knows?

Per their request, I have already taken the steps necessary to rectify this mistake, so hopefully, this will be fixed by tomorrow night, when I regularly would post again. Until then, i don't think I can blog. This just in......... Blogger has sent me another e-mail, stating that I am not allowed to eat or breathe either....





  1. The spam police, they live inside of my head.
    The spam police, they come to me in my bed.
    The spam police, theyre coming to arrest me, oh no.

  2. Anonymous10:26 AM

    You can always offer to take it over to Wordpress as have a few otehrs that have a distaste for the leftists (A CLUE! A CLUE!) that pocket dineros for the traffic and harvested demographics... speaking of SPAMMITY SPAM!

  3. west_rhino10:30 AM

    Oh, the SPAM NAZIs...

    more of Jimbo's minions offering more rope to hang yourself, wihtout a clue that you could climb over the wall and off the plantation, stupid liberals (yes redundant, but true).

  4. on the way to jackson soon mg2:15 PM

    I think I might cook some spam tonight at the camp. sounds good.

  5. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Mike--it could be a covert attempt by the PDR's to shut you up. You know you haven't had their kool-aide. Would have loved to been there when you and Tom Grimes counted the votes. Bet it was more than a little cold (shoulder) in that office. I wish you and Tom the best of luck but at least you know what is coming and who is leading the charge.

  6. Put down the spam and step away from the email!

  7. Anon, it wasn't that bad. We were pretty cordial with each other. There will be a couple A-holes I'm sure, but I was past it Saturday...

  8. Annon- You obviously have no clue and are a very paranoid individual. Frankly, I don't know why I am wasting my time responding to you.

    I would like to clarify one issue...The Pee Dee Republicans have absolutely nothing to do with Mike's SPAM issue. For your information, we like Mike Reino. We think his blog is a valuable source of independant information. You see, we are Republicans and we believe in Freedom of Speech. Thou we may not always agree with what Mike says here, we respect his right to say it. (Just because we or anyone fires a response back on here it doesn't mean we don't like Mike or that we want to silence him in anyway! Our goal is to make certain the TRUTH is out there!

    I hope if Mike finds any cold shoulders from any republican who is on this team that he knows he can come to any member of our leadership team and we will talk with that person. That is not how we conduct ourselves and our team will get to the bottom of any problem that exist. Mike, I have told you this personally a number of times and I hope that you will take me up on it.

    Annon, I don't know who you are but if you would like to discuss this matter further, you should feel free to give me a call and identify yourself. I will be happy to discuss what you think happened as opposed to what really did happen face to face. My number is 843-229-1551 and my name is Stephanie M. Rawlinson.

  9. Steph, I don't think the Anon post was serious. I get ones like this as a joke all the time. Usually they're suggestions that Clyburn is after me...

  10. Mike is doing crack. I'm watching him light up right now, so I know what I'm talking about.

  11. bobby9:18 PM

    who is Steph and why aren't you dating her?

  12. Earl, get away from the laptop, and start paying attention to the convention you're attending !!

  13. Is a "cold shoulder" like a "dirty sanchez?"

    BTW, pass the pipe and keep it moving down the line...

  14. Bobby, I think she's married. But these days, that doesn't seem to stop a lot of people.

  15. Anonymous11:03 AM

    'tis Greek to me and givne your knowlege of Dirty Sanchez, you will understand if I choose not to turn either cheek towards you...

    cogito ergo SPAM
