Monday, April 13, 2009

I Guess I Have a Few Friends Left in Politics ...

What Do Forrest Gump And I Have In Common ??
Well, it's 900PM, and I finally got back from the Credentials Committee meeting, where we counted the votes for the delgates to the State GOP Convention. 116 county delegates voting on over 200 eligible candidates for the 46 state spots. That's a lot of votes to count. One thing that surprised me was just how many people didn't pick 46 people, or anywhere near 46. That is sorry and sad.
Contrary to what I thought, I made the cut to be one of the 46 county half-delegates for Columbia next month....... Just Barely!!!
Yep, I garnered 23 votes, which was enough to lock up the Number 40 spot on Saturday. I feel like Forrest Gump with his grade school teacher - hovering around minimally adequate.. Luckily, Momma didn't have to visit anyone to help me out....
Clearly, I have work to do in the future. There are a lot of new faces who don't know Jack Shit about what I was doing in 2004-2006, and they don't care. And that's the way it is. Like what often happens at work, the store is under new management, and what I did in the past is irrelevant. I'm just the flamethrowing blogger.....
I'm pretty sure I got in thanks to the Republicans that I've worked with in the past, and know what I worth. And I think the new leadership sees value in me as well. But, for many of them, I'm Mike Who? ...... But for today, i'm glad I made it to Columbia for the third time. Officially now, i've been a GOP insider longer than I was married. Yes, I AM proud of myself....


  1. There's a joke in this post somewhere about the "party of family values," but as someone who has been living in sin for the past 7 years, I'll pass. Glass houses and all...

    Congrats on keeping your streak alive. Perhaps the new leadership subscribes to LBJ's philosophy when it comes to you: Better to have Reino inside pissing out than outside pissing in.

  2. Hey, I pee all over my own house, why not someone else's ??

    Yeah, seven years in sin, but at least you're becoming an honest guy eventually , right?

  3. Mike who could choose that many. Modern math man. Vote only for yourself then you will not have to make up votes for your competitor.

  4. I never looked at it that way. I put all 46 , because I know 46 qualified people who deserved to go - including a few who I know didn't pick me..

  5. Glad you will be in Columbia, Mike. I think you have alot to offer the Florence County GOP. We are going to buy bulk tickets for the Silver Elephant if you want in they are a little cheaper that way. Let me know.

    Keep um talkin' Mike!

    :) Steph

  6. I will likely miss the Silver Elephant again. I'll get up early saturday, and probably be the only one not hungover !!

    The emergency I talked about previously wasn't an illness. It a different problem that I'm trying to prepare for in case something comes up, and my help is needed. Vague, yes.

  7. the chairman2:23 PM

    I really am going to limit my side walk lincoln street activities this year so my head want be so bad on saturday morning.
