Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Is Obama a Johnny Drama Fan ?!

You see, people like the President are just like you and me. According to an article in The Politico, one of Barack Obama's favorite shows is 'Entourage'. Maybe it's because Ari Gold's character is based on Rahm Emanuel's brother. Or maybe it's all the Top Shelf naked chicks on the show. Or maybe because the show does kick ass...

Seriously, he loves the show. During the campaign, he would arrange his schedule to not interfere with the show. Not that it's the only show he watches. Obama is often caught watching SportsCenter and The Wire. When it's family time, he sits down with the kids, and watches Hannah Montana and Spongebob SquarePants. I think President Bush used to watch it too - but he thought that Spongebob was real..... Sorry, i couldn't help it...

In case you were wondering, Obama DOESN'T watch any of the cable news channels, The Daily Show , or SNL. Who would. Watching twenty people second guess every decision you make (like me!) can drive you nuts....

So, in case you were worried, YES, your President is just like you...... although they didn't say if he downloads any Porn...


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