Wednesday, April 08, 2009

SC6 Remembers It's Crowning Achievement...

Nothing Satisfies Like Pissing Off Your Congressman .....
Yesterday, I wrote about realizing that I hadn't picked on Jim Clyburn in some time. Besides him writing an illegal codicile to President Obama's stimulus bill, he really hasn't done anything noteworthy. Neither have I, but the bar is set much lower for me..
Well, i got a bit sentimental today while thinking about it. It made me remember my greatest crowning achievement in politics - getting my Congressman mad enough at me to do what few Congressmen have done - publicly write about him!
It seems like yesterday, but it was early 2005.... The discussion of what to do with the future of Social Security was all over. By the way, it hasn't gone away, we've just ignored the problem. Clyburn and John Spratt decided to go out in the district, and spread the Democratic propaganda about what to do. For clarification, I wasn't in favor of putting money in the stock market, but rather in private yet safe investments - stuff that earned more than 1.7% a year in interest.
After waiting a couple hours to finaly be allowed to ask questions, i got my chance, and attacked them for distorting the numbers that they provided, and showed them that it was possible to begin using some of the money in a more financially sound manner. Clyburn was lost, and Spratt had to cover up for him with a lot of mumbo-jumbo that didn't really prove me wrong. Numbers don't like - Congressmen do...
I then commented on it in the Florence Morning News, and it was published in three lcoal papers in the 6th District. Clyburn must have been furious, because he responded in a way that Congressmen rarely do against private citizens - in an official Congressional Statement. In fact, it is STILL on is website, and likely will be as long as he serves in office. Permanently enshrined for all to see. Here it is....
You want to know what my favorite part of it is? That Clyburn mentions President Bush by name twice...... but my name FOUR TIMES!!! He tried to make my position even more extreme than Bush's, which wasn't actually the truth, but hey, this is politics - why be fair? Secondly, he tried to make me look ignorant by saying that I thought that 12.4% of a worker's salary went towards Social Security. The 12.4% was the amount of the employer match of 6.2 - again, why let the truth get in the way?
Every once in a while, this article will pop up, and I will read it, and get the proud look like a Papa on his kid's college graduation. Anyone can get their Congressman to call him/her an asshole at a reception or fundraiser. It takes alot of effort and determination to stick pins in your Congressman's Voodoo Doll to make him put his hatred for you in writing....


  1. Great job Mike. Too bad the whole politicians being under a YouTube microscope thing hadn't caught on yet in 2005 or you might have been like the guy all over FOX News today who got into it with Barney Frank.

    It's pretty cool it is still on his website though.

  2. Yeah, I was ahead of my time. Then again , I could have ended up like that 'Don't Taze Me Bro' guy just as easily....

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Mike--maybe you should take another stab at Congressman Jackass I mean Clyburn in 2010. You can use his response to you questions and his open slanderous attack as the jumping off point. Just one thing-I get to run your campaign this time....teg

  4. It would certainly go better with SOMEONE running the campaign, but it's done. No money, no time, no organization. That, and just too much dirt to throw at me with this blog. I don't worry about myself, but i do worry about other people I talk about here....

  5. Why worry at. Do not run for congress again as I do not have the time for another campaign. Maybe one more.

  6. Anonymous11:12 PM

    If Jimbo walks like a totalitarian, quacks like a totalitarian, he ain't a duck, but he does understand the incumbent protection system for spewing his slanders from a protected position.

    Where is the Spanish Inquisition when you need it?

    Hope the PDR can muster a credible candiate to go after him, else they may have to ride the same rail the Coalition did in some other counties... maybe it's time to infiltrate the the opposition and deny Jimmy the nomination... think Gary would offer as a Dem?

  7. Moye, you focus on getting some strong candidates in Clarendon. I'm not running again.

  8. The Rocker takes on JC Hammer? I say Rock rules!
