Monday, April 20, 2009

Why There Were No Posts This Weekend...

I Couldn't Have Done a Better Job If My Name Were Pedro ....

I know, I know... I did write two blog posts this wekeend, but for me, that is nothing. I usually do at least four a day on the weekends. However, i was pretty preoccupied. I went by the Millridge House (like it's a Bed & Breakfast) on Saturday, and the backyard was a freakin' jungle.....

Sunday wasn't fun - it was a mission. Eleven hours of raking, edging, pulling and whacking weeds, and laying an unfathomable 27 bags of red bark mulch nuggets - and it's not quite done. But , it's hasn't looked this good in three years. That's how I measure my quality of life. Not by my bank account, because there's never anything in there. Rather, I judge it by the smaller things - a properly manicured yard, paying back my friends, and returning the favor by helping friends in need.... I'm pretty rich right now..



  1. Anonymous11:15 PM

    good work Mike....maybe you need to take the Master gardener class might have a green thumb there..Betty

  2. i got plenty of clean up work for you in greeleyville

  3. Nice job there.

    Paying friends back - does that mean that you're buying lunch next time?

  4. I suppose I might owe you a lunch or two for the free consulting...
