Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why Your Paycheck Hasn't Gone Up Like Obama Promised It Would...

Your Paycheck Didn't Go Up $13 April 1st? You're Not Alone...
I got a call from Bobby a day or two ago. He asked if our paychecks were supposed to go up on April 1st from the Obama Tax Cut. The answer was yes, they are collecting less tax on workers salaries for I think six months - it was so insignificant that I have kind of forgotten. But , if your check is like mine, it's not any different. Why? Probably because most things that Washington does, they make up a rule - and leave America to do all the legwork to enable it.
According to the estimates, each American worker was supposed to get about $13 more in their check. How does that happen? Well, the government is collecting less, but who has to make all the adjustments to affect that change? Every HR, comptroller or business owner of every.. single... business...... in America. And then when it's over, they have to go back on every employee and reverse everything back to where it was. So, what is the easier thing to do? Nothing.
Does this mean that all those employees will not get their money? No, they will - when they file their taxes in 2010. But, the plan of the Obama Administration was to get the money NOW, because they need it NOW. That plan has gone down the drain, so the only portion of the Economic Stimulus that directly affected each American worker is not working as planned. Don't worry, there will be other disappointments as this package hits the streets - if it does.

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