Nanner Puss Finds Out You Don't Screw With the CIA.....
Today's news in Washington.... Congresspeople lie. Yep, once again, we here at SC6 tell the inside stuff that no one else is willing to tell you. Why read anything else? I know I don't, and neither should you. Comeback tomorrow for more incisive information. Peace Out !!
Yeah, more obvious stuff today. But, this is a little bigger and more important than "I did not have sexual relations with that woman".... This is the Speaker of the House lying about her personal knowledge of our national security. If you missed it this weekend, a few weeks ago, when the Obama Administration released the information about the use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT's) with Al-Qaeda suspects, Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated in no uncertain terms that she was NEVER briefed on the waterboading of Al-Qaeda suspects.
Apparently, the CIA doesn't always like being made to look like the bad guys, so they got thier revenge. They pulled out the paperwork that showed that Pelosi was present, briefed and aware of the use of waterboarding - and she said nothing. Busted, Nan !!
Now, I'll selectively sidestep the waterboarding torture debate here, because I do see both sides of the issue here a bit. My focus is on why Congressmen MUST be full of crap and lie. I suppose that we should expect so much from them. After all, have you ever seen a Congressman get elected without lying or stabbing someone in the back along the way? Me neither.....
I don't know about you, but I'm a little fed up with being lied to by those who hold office. This wasn't a little white lie, this was a big , fat lie with the puprose for it being political gain. How the Bush Administration never put out this information to cover thieir own asses is beyond me - but I suspect theywere on cruise control for the last year or so of the term. My point is this: when you lie on the big things, or on the first thing you do, how do you expect anyone to support you or believe you? That goes for Democrats and Republicans.. Keep that thought in the back of your head later on in the week....
She's continuing to hold the line, saying the CIA is wrong and that even they are backing off the records that say she was briefed. I have no idea what she is talking about, as I haven't seen any evidence of them backing off, so who knows.
ReplyDeleteI do know know a few things: 1) It would only seem prudent that W and Cheney told some high-level Dems, to cover their own asses.
2) I can totally see them not being prudent and refusing to tell high-level Dems...well...b/c they are W and Cheney.
3) I could also see there being "proof" that the info was shared when it was not. (Not saying that's the case, but I would not be surprised. This is an administration that lied to justify war. I don't for a second doubt they would lie to cover their collective asses)
4) If you should no longer be in employed by our government. Sorry, but you helped the terrorists if you held us torture. The biggest failure in this whole deal is how a bunch of religious fanatics armed with box cutters and the simple knowledge of how to fly a plane (not land one, mind you, just moving one around that was already in flight) were able to make us forsake our most fundamental ideals and become the biggest enemy in the world, even though it was we who suffered a cheap-shot attack.
We won't know the true cost these assholes jagoffs placed on us for years. Thanks a lot. For the sake of political expediency, cowardice and lack of moral courage, you took the easy way out and we'll all be the ones to pay the price in the future. Appreciate that.
If Pelosi knew, off with her head.
pluv, the intelligence committee, though briefed, is obliged not to divulge teh subject or content. As to what the twofaced (and this do happen on a bipartisan basis) do with the things they are briefed on often ranges to the hypocrisy San Fran Nan is caught in.
ReplyDelete'Tis a bit like the 500 M Tons of yellowcake brought into US safekeeping from Iraq last year through Canada that former ambassador Joe Wilson swore never existed... reminiscent also of the outcome of the cases of John Dean III and Ida Maxine Wells against George Gordon Liddy, about the realities of the Watergate break in.