Sunday, May 10, 2009

SC6 Hits Some Rarified Air In Blogging: We Look Back For Post Number 2000 !!!!!

Wow, 2000 whole posts ! It's been a long 3 1/2 years since I first started this. Sometimes it been fun, sometimes it's been stressing, and sometimes it's really sucked. When you hit a milestone like this, you wonder where do you go from here. When I got to #1000, the goal was to post until the number of posts was the same as that year. I thought it'd be 2010, but I got my ass in gear, and we got there a little ahead of schedule. After that, we'd all buy some black NIKE's and robes, and drink some Kool-Aid.....
I suppose we'll just keep going, but who knows how long. I've always been goal oriented, and not having one now makes me wonder how long we'll keep going. Guess I'll figure it out. But for now, I decided to go back to the infancy of SC6, and review some of my favorite posts for the first year - before SC6 really got the notoriety that it has now. Here's our Top Ten posts from Year One...
Hotties of the Hill
This was my first real fun post, where I list the ten hottest women in Congress. It wasn't easy - not too many good looking chicks there.
Gimme a Hug, Jim
A picture says a thousand words. Jim Clyburn getting a bear hug from John Kerry. It's the most uncomfortble thing you may ever see !
Brother, Can You Spare a Donation
This is a post where I mock my own shortcomings at fundraising during my County Council race.
The Milton Waddams Award
This was a recurring post, where every week I gave an award to a particular idiot or loser. I never thought it's happen, but I eventually ran out of idiots, so the award named after Office Space's lovable loser ended.
Hey, Rick Quinn DOES Look Like Ed Begley Jr.
Ahh, my 2006 Primary Candidates Guide, where I listed every candidate, and their celebrity look alikes. This spawned a copycat post or two on other blogs, but I'll take it as a compliment.
SC6 Solves the Gas Crisis
Yes, with the help of Doc Brown and Marty McFly, we ended the need for foreign oil - by strapping Cuisinarts on the back of every car in America! Confused? You should be....
Hillary Clinton, Hillary Duff, or Duff McKagan
This was a goofy post where you have to guess who said that quote - a Presidential Candidate, a Disney Starlet, or the bass player from Guns 'n Roses...
Ravenel vs. Rainey
This was my predictions of what would ensue during the debate between the invisible BCB member Rainey, and the now deposed State Treasurer. Swordfighting, anyone?
Rock Star, Jim Clyburn
One of my most time consuming undertakings on the blog, it was a three part recurring post where DC Interns vie to become Jim Clyburn's newest intern when he became Majority Whip. I thought it was groundbreaking, original, and pretty damned funny. America may have disagreed...
Snoop Dog For President
No, not the rapper. This was when I decided that my lab mutt was the ideal candidate for President of the United States. He had the perfect record , if not the pedigree - or species. It wasn't meant to be though, as Snoop passed away a few months later. Damned good dog.
Thanks for sticking with SC6 for so long. Where the future will take us all, i have no idea, but I've always flown by the seat of my pants anyway, so what else is new? Keep reading and commenting, and we'll try to keep it worth reading..


  1. I didn't know you could count to 2000.

    You forgot the most important part of the last 2000 posts - Moye Graham!

  2. Congrats on hitting 2k. Don't you wish posts were money?

  3. Yeah, a buck a post would be nice. Bet if calculated how much money I could have made flipping burgers instead of writing a blog, I'd probably puke....

    Earl, Moye Graham is THE MAN !!

  4. There was a time when the immortal Captain Kirk faced a mob of strange lifeforms, jumping and making strange noises, confronted them and said ...

  5. Sorry, Earl. I forgot - I'll tkae care of that tonight..

  6. Moye Graham9:51 PM

    I have to admit I probably read them all. Same with Earl and the Blogland. Congratulations Mike it certainly has been an interesting time reading your blog from where ever I am. It really kept me connected and somewhat amused. I have read your blog on four continents, nine countries and most states. You know I still dont know what it is about can you answer that.

  7. Hey Moye, tell your bosses to send you to Antarctica, Asia and Australia so we can get all seven continents! It's been interesting to see us both move up (or at least you) as the blog has gone on...Thanks for reminding me to change the caption for the blog..

  8. I like the caption myself. I will be in Asia late summer. Have been to Australia before your blog and really dont want to make the ride again kind of long. Been inside the Arctic circle but you can probably forget about Antarctica for me. Moving up you have done more than me friend. Tell Tommy the check was mailed this weekend by the way.
