Monday, June 29, 2009

Bernie Madoff Goes To Jail.... Before He Spends the Afterlife In Utter Hell ...

Hey, It LOOKED Like Everyone Was Busy Working There....
Actually, all the employees were on MySpace and - which you MUST visit sometime.... Anyway, scam artist extraordinaire Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years to life for bilking investors of nearly $50 Billion. Madoff admitted that he never invested a single dime of his victims' money. At nearly 70 years old, it's safe to say that Madoff has spent his last free day on the outside. He'll soon be wondering what happened to his old life, and it will eventually be a distant memory - kinda like i am when trying to remember the last time I got laid......
Now, I do have to admit, there is a part of me that laughs at the idiots back in Long Island, who are bitching and whining about losing thousands and millions of dollars with Madoff. Some of them are asking for restitution from the US Government - a bailout , if you will... One of them was former Congressman and conservative firebrand Tom Tancredo. I have listened to your arguments carefully and thoroughly, and here is my reply.... HAHAHAHAHA !!!! Too bad. If there is one thing that Americans have no sympathy for, it's rich people whining about having to 'alter their lifestyle' - like having to clean THEIR OWN homes and cut THEIR OWN grass. My heart goes out to you.... Not.
But, back to the root of the problem.... If there is any justice in this world, Bernie Madoff will be caught in the Seven Circles of Hell, being poked and prodded with Wiffle Ball bats in holes that my pinkie finger wouldn't fit in. Wait , I forgot the nails in the bats too. You get the point... Satan is oiling up all of his torture tools just for Madoff. He'll have to wait a little while, but in time, he'll get him....Unless Satan hires these guys.....


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Mike--if ever there has been a clearer argument for the death penalty for some white collar crimes,Bernie Madoff is the poster child. Some people will argue that the death penalty for white collar crime is outrageous/dracoian/barbaric. But consider this.A murderer takes a life and ruins the dreams of a family. Madoff led several people to take their lives and ruined the dreams of thousands (and not all were multi-millionaires).
    Old Southern justice for bank robbers was a tall tree and a short rope.Madoff should be glad he pulled this stunt in NYC and not SC or he might be swingin' by now...teg

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    So when is his Obama cabinet nomination coming?
