Less than a week after Mark Sanford's stunning announcement that he had spent six days in Argentina with his girlfriend, it appears that the damage control and contrition attempts he has made are not making things better for his future. At first, there were catcalls for his resignation from likely sources - Democrats and his political enemies within the GOP. But after today's latest press conference, Sanford is getting thrown under the bus from more and more former supporters.
No, i didn't watch or read all of the comments made by Sanford today, but what I have heard was odd. By far, the most cringe-inducing comment was call his lover his "Soul Mate". For starters, guys do not have Soul Mates. That is exclusively for women. Ladies, if a man calls you his soul mate, then it's official - he wants to sleep with you. BADLY! It's an extremely poor choice of words to call anyone within earshot of your wife. Honestly, if Sanford had any plans on keeping his wife, I think that may be over - and it doesn't even sound like he's that interested in it.....
Here is my bit of advice... Governor Sanford, forget about Maria. You've pretty much ruined her life. She is not just famous, she is now infamous... Do you really expect her to want to go back to the guy who destroyed everything she had? Trust me, I've had plenty of experience with ticked off women. It doesn't matter how powerful or famous you might be, when you tick off a woman, they move on, and that's my advice.
Public speaking has never been Mark Sanford's strong suit, and it's really showing this week. Where a more talented speaker (aka- Liar) would be able to maybe spin this, Sanford has only made things worse. This isn't soemthing you can explain, and he's even tried to keep everyone happy. That won't work. To see if he's really gone off the edge, I suggest that someone ask him what he thinks of Jim Clyburn - if he says anythign nice about him, it's all over...
Now, i've had bad weeks where it seemed like I would never get my mojo back, but it eventually does. Mark Sanford needs to quit quoting Bible verses to the press, bcause it seems disingenuous right now. In fact, avoid aby microphone or camera right now. Lock yourself in a bunker, focus on just being Governor, and if you want to, try to repair your marriage. As far as the Argentinian tail........ VAYA CON DIOS, MARCO.
I thought Mike Barnacle had a good point this morning: Everytime he's heard Sanford speak since coming back from Argentina, he's sounded like a guy who is heartbroken and wants nothing more than to go back to Argentina and marry his love. I agree.
ReplyDeleteAnd herein lies my problem with people who speak of the "sanctity of marriage." In my opinion, the only thing that sanctifies a marriage is love. Without that, it's nothing but a written agreement with some pomp and circumstance. In my opinion, I don't care if two people stay together until they die, if there is no love in the marriage, it's a failure. I dare say there are any number of same-sex marriages right now that respect the "sanctity" of marriage more than the Sanfords' did. And I'm talking BEFORE the Guv ever even thought about crossing that "ultimate line"...
This is just getting stranger by the day. Why can't he just shut up and go the hell away?
ReplyDeleteAs one of his staunchest supporters, I'd settle for the first half right now...
ReplyDeleteAs one who has been in a loveless marriage - but without kids - I'd advise on hitting the EJECT Button. Yes, bad marriages do more to hurt the kids than staying together does to fix it...
ReplyDeleteMike-the way details are emerging right now I would caution everyone to hold their opinions. There is an old saying about waiting for the other shoe to drop and I do not believe all the shoes have finished dropping.I believe that in the coming days we are going to find out a lot more details than are currently available(and some we may qualify as TMI).Then we can make an informed decision,until then we need to wait to see what else comes out of the closet.
ReplyDeleteThat said I do agree with you,Earl,Moye and many others around this state:SOME ONE PLEASE TELL GOVERNOR SANFORD TO STICK A SOCK IN IT AND SHUT THE #*%@ UP!!!...TEG
I'm not on the resignation bandwagon, but I would do what Archie Bunker said.. "Stifle Yourself, Dingbat !"
ReplyDeleteThe man is a basket case right now. He really needs a break. From the microphone and camera at least.