Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hey, We Didn't See This One Coming....

The election results are in, and SURPRISE !!! - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad beat his opponent in this week's Iranian Presidential elections... In fact, he even beat his opponent in his own hometown ! Wow, that is one hell of a campaign he ran, and is a true testament to the love that the Iranian people have for Ahmadnejad....
C'mon people, were you expecting some other result? This is Iran.... 'Free Elections' don't exist here, or probably anywhere in the Muslim world. The guy is a puppet of the Mullahs that really rule the country. There are plenty of protests going on, and America is hoping that the continue to build and take over - the Shitstorm reaching a state of critical mass that Agent X spoke of in JFK. That went on in China 20 years ago as well...... How did that turn out?
Iran has been like this for 30 years now, when they deposed the Shah. The longer it goes on, the stronger they get, but often these things turn around, and the right way takes over. It took 30-40 years for the Shah to be overthrown - maybe it's coming around again. Just don't be so stunned about the election results this week. Legal ways are far more difficult to achieve, especially in Iran..


  1. The latest theory actually seems to be the the very hairy Jake Gyllenhall and his buddies actually planned this to wrest control away from the mullahs.

    Either way, it's interesting shit. We may be witnessing the birth of a true revolution.

  2. Oh yeah...and it wasn't a "free election." It was a "completely free election." Those are the coolest.

  3. was it Jake Gyllenhaal, or was it Joaquin Phoenix ??

    And which level of free is the highest - free, completely free, absoultely free, totally free, or that which is without a lack of freeness ????

  4. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Is this Agent X you speak of Ms. X.

  5. no, that was in the movie JFK.. Geez , I can't even say X-Lax, without someone asking if it was Ms. X-Lax !!!!!

    I'm chipping off the 'X' from laptop as I write this.... ;)

    OK, maybe not.... XXXXXXXXX !!!

  6. so Mike you into that kinky XLAX thing you and Ms.

  7. X-Lax is the LAST thing I need !!

  8. The Agent X scene is the 2nd best in the movie. The first being the Easter Sunday questioning of David Farey:

    "Frankly, David...I find your story unbelievable."

    "Really? Which part?"

  9. Those Geese ARE smart birds.... You can't approach 'em.

  10. "It wasn't until we got out there, that we realized we had forgot our shotguns."

  11. Mike, you'd better put your freeness back in your pants.
