Friday, June 12, 2009

Time For a Personal Post....

Is It Me, Or Did I Look Like Roger Daltrey As a Kid?

Facebook is unbelieveable sometimes. I showed you guys my first grade class picture, but here is a picture of me that i had never seen , until my old neighbor, Joy, showed it to me today. This is a picture of me and my next door neighbor and bts friend in elementary school, Tony. I think I was about 9 or 10. The funniest part? Look what we're sitting on !! Joy's Dad did drink a lot of beer, from what I remember......Memories !!



  1. that is one fly-ass Heathcliffe Hustable sweater there...

  2. Just to clarify, that's Tony on the right with the Cliff sweater. I'm on the left, with my gettign ready for the Pearl Jam concert 15 years ahead of time...

  3. Clearly. The sweater kid has more of a Keith Moon hairstyle...

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Mike--go ahead and admitt it that a shot of you and Moye that Earl took on the slough years ago...teg

  5. About 30 YEARS ago, Tommy! Hey, we start early in Brentwood... Tony does bear a bit of a resemblance to Earl, and they are about the same age (Tone's 38). Come to think of it, I've neevr seen the two of them at the same place at the same time together. You may have soemthing there... Tony did move to Fayette Nam, so it's possible.
