Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Stuart Smalley's Sworn In the Senate....

Eight months after the November General Elections, Al Franken was finally sworn in as Minnesota's newest Senator. It's official - Pete Tagliani has finally won an election .... The Democrats officially now have their Supermajority of 60 votes, and the rest of the world is now virtually powerless - like an EMP just struck the rest of the political world. Now without the ability to filibuster, the GOP will hope to be able to convince less liberal members of the Democratic to file more moderate legislation. Yikes, you mean BI-PARTISANSHIP ???!!! Yep. It sucks, but read The Art of War again , folks....
As for Franken, i'm not sure how effective he will be. I liked him when he was on SNL, but a funny - or not so funny - thing happened when he went to Air America...... He stopped being funny. I read 'Rush Limbaugh is a Big, Fat Idiot', and I thought it was interesting. Humor is a very effective tool in politics. Think of some of the most memorable quotes in politics - chances are most of them were humorous. Franken better find his humor again, or it's going to be a long Six Years... or Five Years and Four Months.....


  1. The hidden truth, is Franken is a policy wonk. He spoke at USC when I was in school and while he was pretty funny, the best part of the show was when he showed off his political chops. I've seen some pretty outrageous comments already by pundits and pols alike about Franken. Folks would be wise not to underestimate him. He's wicked smart.

  2. Yeah. He graduated cum laude with a degree in poli sci. I also want to think I have seen more than one of his friends comment that he was quite the math nerd as well. In one of the SNL books I read, it said that Franken was Lorne Michaels pick to succeed him as head producer at one point.

    You know as well as I do, it is hard to write and it is a hell of lot harder to write comedy than anything else. You've got to have a brain to be funny (unless you use props like Carrottop).

  3. That's why we're such rarities - intelligence and wiseasses. Excellent mix for comedy...

    The only prop I have that makes people laugh doesn't come out in public - or anywhere lately for that matter..

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Mike--TMI Mike, TMI or in this case lack of...teg

  5. This happens to be his biggest joke.

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    mg, Mike's or Al's? And is Al suggesting how big it is?
