Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Welcome to SC6's Sanford Spanking Post Game Show ...

Sure, the big news is already out, and it has been. But, we work a different schedule than most bloggers. So, instead of bringing you the big news first (like we did with the Gaffney sreial killer last night), we're going to be like the MSM this past week, and over analyze the crap out of last night's marathon meeting....
In case you thought otherwise, there were other big winners and losers during last night's State Executive Committee meeting, other than Mark Sanford. I'll be honest. I thought that Sanford was going to go down in flames last night, and that he would be asked to resign. But censure was the most logical and smartest decision. Somewhere in South Carolina, calmer and less ambitious minds prevailed.. Let's analyze the numbers a bit...
Twenty-two voted for censure, ten voted for asking for him to resign, nine voted to forgive him, and thankfully, no one voted to do nothing. How that was listed as an option is beyond me. If you wnat to do nothing, why did you have the meeting??? Now, add that all up 22+10+9= 41. Uhh, there are 46 counties in South Carolina, so there should have been 46 votes, right? Some of your forgot to be able to attend a PHONE CALL !!! I find this ironic, because if you've ever seen the elections for Executive Committemen, it is probably the roughest local votes around. They cut each other to shreds, to attend that quarterly meeting, and when the one occasion where something actually important happens - they skip it. My advice is if your Ex Com was a no-show, find another one. It's a bit ironic that people are so concerned that something MIGHT have happened with Sanford away, and five members missed the meeting that they knew something was happening. You have no right to complain.....
So, what did they say last night? Probably the right thing. Total forgiveness was too light, asking for his resignation was too harsh. Censure was the most reasonable option. It showed the party leadership, or whoever was pushing him to resign to chill out, and it MIGHT keep the Senate and House from trying to impeach him. Maybe, but who knows...
The ball is in the court of the four statewide officials to try to reconvene the two chambers, but hopefully, they will pass on that, wait til next year, and pick a new Governor then. But, this is South Carolina - we love to pee on our own yard. The signal was given last night by Karen Floyd - this is all over. Be satisfied with what was done, and get back to work.....


  1. I think the 5 missing votes were to busy praying for all the things Sanford has asked them to pray for the last week or so. Well played, sir. Well played.

  2. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Mike-Last night the adults took the party back and now we get back to business...

  3. Anonymous10:02 AM

    No Mikey, Dr. Rex says 22+10+9=46 and that is good enuf for a SC High School Diplomer...

  4. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Mike--just a note,this conference call last over 4 hours and ended after 11pm. I have a feeling the 5 "missing" votes probably fell asleep at that point...teg

  5. I took a nap or two ate watermelon and a peach washed the dishes took a shower mop the floor and did not miss anything on my speaker phone

  6. I was going to say Tommy, we are Republicans - don't excuse laziness !

  7. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Mike--it wasn't laziness, it was a endless drone of complaining ad nauseum that went on for hours as we worked towards a compromise. It may not be a great compromise but at least it prevents a state constitutional crisis. Now maybe we can put this headache to bed once and for all...teg

  8. I hear Sanford is good at putting things to bed, Teg...ZING! (nice assist for the easy layup)

  9. Anonymous9:58 PM

    National committee man and woman have votes as does the 1st VC....so please re-do the math!
