Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Final Word on SoSo's Confirmation...

Sonia Sotomayor's Got Her Robe ......

Earlier today, in no surprise, Judge Sonia Sotomayor was confirmed to an Associate Judge position on the Supreme Court of the United States by a mostly partisan vote of 68-31. It's official - we lost. This was about as obvious a result as a Republican running in the 6th Congressional District, and the numbers are almost exactly the same. The irony drips....

The best way to look at the whole SoSo nomination to keep yourself from pounding your head against a brick wall uselessly, is to look at the process, rather than the result... We Republicans really were backed into a corner. Barack Obama's selection of Sotomayor, while I wouldn't call it a stroke of genius, was exceptionally smart politcally... Hmm, with 45 million Hispanics up for grabs in 2012, do you fight her tooth and nail, and have it resonate for decades with the fastest growing voting block in the US, or do you let it slide? We had no choice......

Republican Senators did all that they really could without making us look like the bad guys again. They questioned, they lightly grilled, sauteed and peppered SoSo like a fine piece of Monkfish - but not to the point of hurting the party and the process. They exposed her possible shortcomings, enough to put light on her future decisions as an Associate Justice. That's all you can do. Especially when you are up against 60 Democrats that would have OK'd her if she called whites 'No Good Crackers' - which she didn't, of course.

Like I said, the best way to look at it is to look at the process.. The fact is, though it's not perfect, the process works. It's part of the American system of government - the best and most fair system in the world. It's all over. We'll get our chance again....


1 comment:

  1. Plus you have the unrivaled comedy of watching Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III calling someone racist. You cannot script hypocrisy like that, though I suppose the supporting argument would be that it takes one to know one.
