Thursday, August 06, 2009

SC6 Gets Away From the Laptop, Part I

Henry McMaster Hits Flotown, Here With County Chair Joe Griffin, and District Chair Tommy Grimes ...

Sorry for the lack of posts today, but today required me to perform a lot of the duties required of a District Vice-Chair. It ain't easy being Number Two..... This afternoon, we had Attorney General and Gubernatorial candidate Henry McMaster stop in Florence to meet with a lot of the local party bigwigs - and me. It was very informal, and the location played into it alot. We met up at ....... a Starbucks? Yep. I don't even drink coffee, so I got a $3.50 juice drink instead. :(

I've seen McMaster speak plenty of times, but this was the first time I saw him speak to a small audience. He was relatively quiet, which honestly, made it very hard to hear him over the occasional whirring of the coffee grinders and frappucino machines. It essentially was a meet and greet, to give us his outline of his campaign, and his staff. It's safe to say that of the candidates for Governor, McMaster probably does have the strongest team, and it will likely put him in a good position to get him all the way to the runoff that appears to be coming in this race....

Contrary to what many people think is McMaster's main goal, he says that the Economy is Job One. He listed all of the industries that South Carolina has to grow from, and where he thought we need to go from there. One point that he mentioned that I have not heard before was to move the Commerce Office under the Governor's Office, to create more autonomy and cohesion. Interesting, although the effect of that could be limited. Discuss please....

The Attorney General stayed for about 45 minutes before heading out to the next stop. No, it's wasn't an earthshaking, historic visit - but stops in Florence rarely are. But, he was here, so we were here too. If you're running for office, and you want some free press, let us know, and you'll be here too. This usually doesn't apply, but if our Congressmen decide to change their minds and have a Town Hall on Health Care, we'll gladly show up.....



  1. Florence is rolling under new Chair Joe Griffin.

  2. I have to say that your blog stands out and really looks great! I just really want to compliment you on this blog, very nice! Keep up the good work pal ;)
