Saturday, August 15, 2009

Florence GOP Gets Shagadelic in Claussen ...

The Catalina's Rock the Tent !!

Sometimes, we Republicans get the reputation that we are joyless, boring people. While all the press we've seem to have gotten lately is being angry at Town Hall meetings, the fact is we like to party too. Last night, about 300 of us got together at the Lesesne House in Claussen, and we tore it up to celebrate County Chair Joe Griffin's 50th Birthday..

Now, I'll admit, I'm more of a Mosh Pit kind of a guy, but this IS South Carolina .... So, thanks to Dr. Joe and Dana Moody-Shriver, there was plenty of fun going on under the biggest tent I'd ever been under. Lots of food, refreshments , souvenir t-shirts, and The Catalina's playing Beach Music all night. Hats off to Dana for organizing one of the best events I've ever been to. Whether it was spraying bug repellant , finding Dr. Joe's thank you notes, or cutting the cake, Dana took care of every detail.

Yeah, it was a party for the most part, but it was a political event as well, and it had it's share of candidates in attendance. While there were no other candidates for Governor there, it was a Lt. Governor event..... Current Guv Lite Andre Bauer was there to give Joe the Palmetto Patriot Award, and current candidates Ken Ard and Bill Connor were there as well. Attorney General candidate Alan Wilson and family came as well. Not a lot of politicking went on, as most were there to have a good time. As usual, we take you there ......

Brad, when Labor Day comes, put those pants away !

A '65 Ford Mustang Ragtop - Definitely a Beach Music Car

Katie Baham, Andre Bauer, Joe Griffin, Mitch Baroody and Brad Richardson debate whether Carolina Girls or Give Me Just a Little More Time Is the best Beach Song ever...

Ken and Tammy Ard, Enjoying the Day..

Everyone doing that 'Slide to the Left, Slide to the Right, Cha-Cha' Dance ......

And Then, It's Time to Attack the Cake... Is it Me, or Does It Look Like Fort Sumter ..... After the Shelling?



  1. Have to admit it sounds like you guys had a great time. Agian I am sorry I had to decline this one.

  2. It was fun. Have a good time in Portland, Moye..
