Saturday, August 15, 2009

Yes Sir, That's My Baby ....

John Edwards to Finally Fess Up ......
There's nothing like owning up to your mistakes as they happen, eh? A year after getting busted for cheating on his wife, it appears that former Senator and Presidential candidate John 'The Breck Girl' Edwards will at long last admit that the baby of Rielle Hunter is indeed his....
According to WRAL-TV in Raleigh, Edwards took a DNA test, and he passed (or failed, whichever way you look at it) the test. The baby is indeed his. Aside from the added expense that he'll have to fork out every Christmas and on her birthday, there are other downsides to this.....
First and foremost, it cements the knowledge that Edwards is a liar, even when given the opportunity to come clean. He could have just told everyone the truth - especially since we all already knew that the kid was his - Math usually takes care of those things. But he refused, instead trusting that it would all go away. But, this involved a lot more than just sex..... Edwards had this lady on the campaign payroll, and those issues go on longer than the affair. As that investigation has dragged on, it came full circle into the baby again...
I've said it multiple times - a guy who cheats on his wife is a piece of crap. But, they owe it to everyone involved to be totally forthright. For politicians, it means apologizing to his constituents, and for Presidential candidates, that means everyone. Maybe he was hoping someone else would come forth, and say the baby was his - like these guys did.......

1 comment:

  1. near mount hood mg9:53 PM

    cute kid cute mama
