Friday, August 07, 2009

How To Get Your Mickey D's, And Really Piss Off PETA At the Same Time..

McDonald's Unleashes The Unhappy Meal .....

Tired of eating a meal that just doesn't offend animal rights activists enough? Well, worry no more ...... Mickey D's has just intoduced their new Chicken McCruelty meal - the first fast food meal to earn PETA's Black Shroud of Death Award.

You have to give McDonald's credit on this one - they really went out of their way to be especially cruel to the animals. Broken Bones, scalding the chickens alive.... Heck, they even made Ronald McDonald a dead ringer for Pennywise from 'IT'... It's the meal that would cause PETA, World Wildlife Fund, and your local ASPCA to plant a bomb under your house. Of course , it doesn't exist..... Yet. Like Ronald says, 'THEY ALL FLOAT !!!!!!"



  1. west_rhino3:11 PM

    The Obama socialist poster and the PETA mock outrage over it is a fine contrast in hypocrisy...

  2. Mike, I was reading your post, and I'd like to know if you can tell me where I can get a tasty steak peta at?

    While we're at it, one time I was in India and was talking to some guy about why he thought cows were sacred. I showed him a bottle of A1, and told him that with this stuff, cows were simply divine.
