Sunday, August 09, 2009

Is Bill Clinton More Popular Than Jesus ?

After North Korea, Maybe.... But There Is Some Evidence Before That
Thanks for checking in. With a title like that one, how could you not? Has SC6 gone crazy? Of course not. But, when there's some news out there that is just too unbeliveable to.... well, to believe, we're going to let you know what's up.
Yes, it's Sunday. Yes, what I'm talking about may be considered blasphemy, but we think you'll give it a pass.... Now, what exactly are we discussing here? Not much. I read an article in yesterday, and it gave us more proof that Bill Clinton is indeed more popular than Jesus - at least in one respect. The 2008 Presidential Election.
You see, not every vote was cast for Barack Obama or John McCain. Lots of people cast protest votes, and some write in joke candidates. The Federal Election Commission actually has to keep track of these joke votes, and on Thursday, they finally released the final totals for ALL the candidates. Bill beat Jesus nearly 4-1,by a score of 19-5. Santa Claus got 9 votes. Before he gets too cocky, he should know that there were plenty of guys who fared better than Jesus did too: Mickey Mouse got 11, Donald Duck 9, Joe Plumber 5, Vermin Supreme got 43 votes, and someone named Mr. Jockey blew them all away with 809......
Now, should Jesus be upset that he lost so badly to these guys? Of course not - he's overqualified for the job. He's got other things to work on.... On the other hand, it doesn't exactly give Bill Clinton the ability to get a Beatles Complex either. Maybe just a little trash talk though...


  1. thought about the Beatles when I seen this

  2. I know one thing...the economy was a hell of a lot better when he was in office.

  3. west_rhino11:42 AM

    Yeah Bobby, Slick did skate on Reagan's progressive polices that led to economic growth, for a while, look at what "W" inherited from the 42nd president that seems to have sold it all to China.
