Monday, August 03, 2009

The New Florence Water Bill Looks Nice ... Wish It Were Cheaper, Though.

OOOOOOHHHHH !! Pretty New Logo ....

More evidence today that Florence is entering the 21st Century. I got my monthly water and garbage bill. It's looked exactly the same the past 12 years - plain, boring, straight out of the 1950's. But, it looks like someone in City Hall or Evans Street decided to be a little proactive, and get the billing up to date.

Yes, the first thing you notice is that the City Logo is on the bill, along with the new font and format. But, there are some useful items on there too. Like Progress Energy, you get a graph showing your usage too for the past year. It confirmed something for me that I had thought for a while.. The bills always seemed to be up, then down, then up, then down. My guess is that someone is estimating my usage every other month, and the next month, it actually gets read. Do I have proof of this? Of course not - it's just a conspiracy theory I have...

Overall, the new bill is an improvement, both in appearance, and usefulness. Now, if they could just figure out how to lower the bill. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?



  1. $25. late payment here...I think it was like a buck or two there.

  2. They kicked it up to $6 now. Still better than $25..

  3. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Mike--its no conspiracy, I have had a couple of conversations with the city of Florence asociates at the water department. They have adivsed that they estimate every other month based upon previous usage....teg

  4. Yeah, I had other people explain the ping-ponging water bills too. hey, it's only about $10 a month difference, so it's not a big deal..
