This Is Only the First Hurdle to Getting a Good Job - Not the Last...
I'm sorry to tell some of you this, but we reall have become an entitlement nation. That is, we have programmed our kids to automatically think that if you get a college degree, then you are promised a career of your choice. Unfortunately, many of our parents thought this fallacy to be true -I know my Dad is one of them. Most of us in the real world know this - but we don't go suing our alma mater.....
Not Trina Thompson. The 27 year old was a graduate of Monroe College in Da Bronx this past April. Apparently, after three whole months of searching since she graduated college, she has not been able to land a job. It seems that Monroe College hasn't been able to get her a job in her field since she earned her IT degree. Not that there ARE any jobs out there right now. But, that really shouldn't matter, should it? In this age of bailouts and 'free' stuff, Thompson must have decided that it wasn't her fault, or nobody's fault. Nope, in sue-happy New York, there's always soemone to blame. So Thompson is seeking $70,000 in damages from Monroe College - the equivalent of her 4 years of tuition and expenses !!
Everytime I think I've written a blog post of the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, something tops it. This is unbelieveable. Hey Trina, let me give you my graduation experience... I earned a degree in Economics, and my first job was unpaid, selling insurance. Then I sold vacuum cleaners, before I went back to my Summer job at the beach, driving the garbage truck for $9.00 an hour. About a year and a half after graduation , I got a business job - as a manager trainee working at a car rental office. Eighteen years after graduation, and i've never put that degree to use. This blog is as close to using it as I get..... So, who can I sue??
Thats the difference between people. I think of my situation, and I blame myself. I could have gone to another college and majored in Accounting and been a CPA, but I didn't. That is my fault. Trina can't find a job in field that was hot five years ago, but is the first thing that companies cut right now. Who's fault is it? Anyone but hers.... She's got her paper, so where's her job? If it were only that easy....
Mike-sorry to say that Trina has become a reflection of what is wrong with America. That is to many people think they are owed something. No they are owed the oppurtunity to pursue their dream, to take a chance (sounds strangely like the Republican Creed doesn't it?). But in the age of the Prophet Obama and his minions, people think all they have to do is put their hand out and it is magically filled. There is a joke in there remember.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope that the courts on NY have the common sense to see this as frivilious and toss it,but then in NY common sense is not a normal trait just ask HRC...teg
That's hilarious. On what grounds is she suing the college if she is not personally employable?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that she suing because they were unable to place her in a job, or get her interviews. Hey, if there are no jobs, there are no jobs..
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