Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tired of Voting For The Republicans or Democrats? There Are Plenty of Goofy Alternatives Out There..

HeartQuake '08? Is It Political , Or a Party at Some Guy's House?

Even though our two party system has appeared to work for us for over 200 years, for some people , that isn't quite enough. Brad Warthen has proposed his Unparty for a little while now.. Then we also have other, smaller yet established parties - Libertarian, Liberal, Right to Life, Green and others. But despite all of these, somehow, there are citizens who still feel that they are not represented. According to and the Federal Election Commission, there are over ONE HUNDRED registered parties in the US. Some are legit, some ate single issues, some are mistakes, and some - we just have no idea. Here's a sample of some of the registered parties in the US....

All Day Breakfast Party - This party usually meets at the local IHOP, SONIC, or Denny's... Must love eggs..

Boston Tea Party - If this were the Boston Lager Party, I'd be there !!

Green - Rainbow Party - is this the official name of the Green Party? If so, it's easy to see why they dropped 'Rainbow'..... they broke up years ago, and Jeff Gordon sucks.

Hsing for Congress - put it best ..... The "AKA, the 'I filled out the Wrong Form' Party". Good organization there, guy! You'd fit in great in DC...

Poor People's Campaign - Guys, you already have a party - it's called the Democrats. Seriously, if the Dems are too conservative for you, you may need to move to Cuba or Venezuela...

Puerto Ricans for Puerto Rico Party - Not to be confused with the Puerto Ricans for Puerto Vallarta Party. So much for single issue parties..

Rock the Boat Party - How much respect can you give a party named after a Hues Corporation song? I'm starting a 'She Bop Party' to push a woman's right to toy with herself. This just in - Rock the Vote is suing them....

Think Independently Party - Yes! Think Independently - like us! Isn't that a contradiction of terms? I picture 50 people in a room, endlessly arguing with themselves about what the logo should look like...

Term Limits for the United States Congress Party - OK, what about the War on Terrorism? Health Care? Abortion? The Budget Deficit? Whaddya mean, you don't care ????? That's it, Term Limits? Please, someone pass this bill, so these guys can get back to their normal lives..

Vote Here Party - These must be the traffic cops, or KGB of elections. Text 542542, and for 99 cents, we'll tell you where the poll booth is. Brilliant, though.. The name gives you no idea what these guys are for. Master stroke, ladies and gentlemen - how's that thing doing, anyway?

If none of these float your boat, there are plenty of others to join - Or, you can make up your own party. If you don't mind filing the FEC paperwork, I'm sure they wouldn't mind it a bit......


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