Friday, September 18, 2009

Are People Lining Up For a Crack At Jim Clyburn in 2010 ?

The Whipper, Assisted By Nancy Pelosi and Sheila Jackson-Lee, Is Given an Explanation By Diagram... 'Sir, This Is Where Your Ass Is - And THIS Is Where Your Elbow Is'.......AAAAAHHHHH !!!!

Part of my job as Vice-Chair of the 6th District for the Republican Party (sorry for the hornblowing there) is to help recruit and support viable candidates for slots in my district. Most people are a little derelict in that duty, but I do try to take that part seriously. Especially since I have run for the seat once, I have a realistic idea of what it would take to - if not win - run a serious campaign in the 6th Congressional District of South Carolina.

While the field has gotten a bit crowded in some of the races - can we get a few more people to run in the 4th please - the race for the GOP nomination in the 6th has been quiet - or has it? Here's a quick report on the latest. I can't say that any of this is rock-solid information because, honestly speaking, no one in the party bothers to ask for my help or advice. Shit, I find out when anyone is in town by word of mouth - or afterwards. This is just what I'm hearing. To hell with anonymous insiders.....

I was told that the state party had been on the verge of getting not one, but TWO candidates interested in taking on Jim Clyburn next year. I sent a message to the person who it supposedly came straight from - and never heard a word. Damn shame, because it appears that one of them just joined Facebook - and requested me as their first friend. That is a good first move, and I commend whoever they talked to that suggested the start by talking to me. Too bad it probably wasn't the SCGOP, but you never know....

So, we could have the two candidates, and maybe even more in a Primary next year. Do I think this is a good thing? Maybe , maybe not. How qualified and serious are these candidates? That remains to be seen. No one wants to see two candidates wipe each other out financially in June, with nothing left for taking on The Whipmaster. And Gary McLeod is still lurking around the dairy farm in Manning... What do I want? I want a candidate with a real resume , one with a grasp on the issues, and on reality on what goes on in Washington DC.... No, it isn't me, and is hasn't been anyone we've had the past 17 years... The theories abound on what the ideal candidate is - Black, White, Male , Female, Moderate, Conservative..

This might not sound good coming from a guy in my position, but I haven't seen that person yet - but when I do, I'll know it, and so will you. I'm still waiting right now. Maybe next year.....



  1. They ought to just schedule to play Florida in football. And not the team, the state. The Whip ain't going nowhere. Which is good for will give you an archenemy.

    The kids all called me Mr. Glass...

  2. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Why don't you or that district chairman that seems to be everywhere run for congress? You say your part of some group called the four horsemen and yet you can't find someone to run other than the usual kooks and losers?

  3. I did run back in 2004, and I set up a run for 2006, but there was no support cashwise. As for Tommy, he's been kinda sick, so a fulltime run for Congress appears to be out.

    I suppose what I am saying is that one quality that any good candidate would need is common sense, and running for the 6th District at this time, with the field stacked again him/her as it is currently, would show a lack of that quality. Aside from me and Gary McLeod, no one seems willing to be the one to jump on the grenade...

  4. Bobby8:18 PM

    looks like somebody got his internet issue worked out.

  5. Yeah, it took 3-4 tries, but it just came back with different connection...

  6. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I hate to say it but pluvlaw is right....the whip is there until the Lord takes him out....

  7. Anonymous7:13 AM

    The Bauer Hour of Decorating Power is about to begin.

    Columbia's interior design crowd has been hissing like tea kettles at the prospect of a Bauer governorship. Now, the lieutenant-guvnah may or may not be gay, but honey he does likes pretty things. Have you seen his darling apartment on Senate Street? Yes, Senate Street no less.

    So who was spotted rustling the rhododendron outside the governor's mansion the other evening? Was some light-in-the-loafers-laddie measuring drapes with an iPod camera? Was he armed with paint charts and old copies of Architectural Digest? Well, let’s just say he was driving the most adorable little Smart Car you ever did see!

    And if it is curtains for Mark Sanford, we're sure Andre's window treatments of magenta portieres festooned with ball fringe will be capable of completely darkening the parlor at a moments notice. Midnight screenings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? The latest X-tube feature? Say, does anyone have a donkey?

    And the parties! Oh, the parties. Can we talk? How many guests invited to the sure to be fabulous Halloween fancy dress gala will be bearded? Glenn? Lindsay? My, my, where is Truman Capote or Mike Rogers when you need them?
    And here's a costume idea for the L-G: (save your sequins everybody) descend the staircase as Liberace! Now, girls, there's a candelabra in a closet somewhere; drag it in here.

    Boys will be boys, But boys rarely will be governors. Hold on to your pasties girls, this is gonna be fun.

  8. A Republican candidate who is serious, knowledgable and can raise cash ... is going to run for a seat a Republican can actually win.

    All you'll end up with the usual cast - kooks like McLeod, or clueless types like Nancy "Got beat 2-to-1 by a write-in in my hometown, but it was all a set-up" Harrelson.

    Clyburn's challengers will NEVER raise any significant amount of money for one simple reason: donors don't like throwing their money away, preferring to support candidates in viable races.

    You couldn't pass around enough LSD or buy off enough voters for a Republican candidate to win in the 6th.

    Anytime Clyburn gets even the most token GOP challenger, he is able to raise 400-500K and spend it on Democratic GOTV operations, helping hammer GOP candidates for local races in the district who might actually have a chance.

    The best thing you could do for the overall health of the GOP in the Sixth is to muzzle those candidates and keep them, or anyone else, from filing.

  9. Anonymous9:06 AM

    The district was drawn for Clyburn...He isn't going anywhere. He has too much money stockpiled. IMHO it wouldn't hurt to make him spend some of it. Whoever the R's put out there would be a sacrificial lamb.

  10. Anon 7:13, i'm no sure i agree, but you give such a great description, I feel like I'm there !!

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Earl Capps, you nailed it...Play where you can win....Betty

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    anon 7:13 So "you" are sure Bauer is "Gay" this good or bad?

  13. I agree with Earl

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Mike--I go out of town for some personal R-N-R time and I come back to find someone thinks you or I should run for Congress??!! First off you have been there and gotten the T-shirt and I would be willing to beat you won't try that again (lol).

    As far as myself,let me say here and now that I will not be a candidate for any publically elected office in 2010. I have the job I wanted, ran for and was elected to. I have projects that I promised that are coming out like our Facebook page and within days the webpage. Next on the to do list will be the start of regular quarterly meetings and discussion for a fund-raiser.

    I appreciate that someone would think I may want to run for Congress,if even in jest,but I have the position I want for now and a lot of work to finish first...teg

  15. Mike, if given the opportunity to have a run at Clyburn and $50K in money down to seed my campaign, I would gladly turn down the offer and spend more time doing anything else instead.

    I would rather spend the summer and fall of 2010 sleeping, reading, riding my bike, eating BBQ, or all of the above. Any of those would be far more productive uses of my time.

    But I would take the money. After all, someone has to pay off your bar tab. I guess I could consider that a consulting fee to Mike Reino and Associates?

  16. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Earl is right. It would be a different story if Clyburn was in a remotely competitive district - i.e. CD 5.
