Monday, September 21, 2009

Even All the Way In New York, They Can Smell Rob Miller's Naked Opportunism...

In case you didn't know, I'm back in Long Island again, and I have been for the past five days, which just goes to show that you can leave South Carolina for five days and still do your job - and most people won't even notice. Take it in whatever way you wish.....

Anyway, aside from Pizza, White Castle and real bagels, one of the nice things about here is the newspaper. I've been reading Newsday since I was a kid - it is a bit of a liberal rag, but they do cover most stories in the area in depth, and they have one hell of a sports section... In today's edition, they have a weekly page call - no inventively - The Spin Cycle: Guide to Politics and Politicians. It's like an SC6 for New York, except it's not nearly as funny. One section of it is called Naked Ambition. It's a weekly poll of the national events, and the readers pick one that best typifies being political for one's own benefit - and South Carolina made the top of the chart !!

Particularly, Rob Miller won the survey, for his labeling Joe Wilson a 'GOP Elitist'. See, even in the land where Democrats rule (Atty. General Andrew Cuomo has $10 Million in his coffers currently - Henry McMaster, eat your heart out!!), they can tell when a politician is blowing his horn unnecessarily. I don't blame Miller for going out and raising a boatload of cash from Wilson's gaffe - and it WAS a gaffe - but it sounds like he could use a little spit and polish on his commenting. Here is how you do it......

"It was unfortunate to hear Congressman Wilson use such a time to make a statement like he did. The President deserves a certain amount of decorum when addressing both the House and Senate, and he chose not to. However, we certainly do appreciate the benefits we've recieved since."

That's it. Rob Miller's 15 minutes in the national radar are just about up. He knows he only got the money not because hes don anything spectacular as a candidate, but because he just happened to be there when lightning struck. But it only strikes once.....


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