Friday, October 23, 2009

SC6 Pic of the Day - Crossing Over the Bridge

No, this isn't the largest phallus symbol in America - it's the water tower at Robert Moses State Park, and the Atlantic Ocean. The bridge I'm crossing on brings over 50,000 people to the beach on a good day. Then at 4:00, they all want to leave, which is impossible on a one-lane road. So, that's when my favorite job came....
I'd stack the cones out on the other side of the bridge, then after that, I'd lead both lanes across, driving the wrong way. There are few ways of feeling like a badass more than driving the wrong way in traffic - and no one stopping you! After that, I'd sit there and listen to everyone yell "Why didn't you do this an hour ago??!!" in their most annoying Long Island accent..... Good Times!

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