Thursday, October 22, 2009

Will the Real Mark McBride Please Stand Up ?

MB Mayor Candidate Gets Attacked Via Fake Facebook Page ....
One of the good things about being a blogger and being in the party is that all kinds of people end up with your e-mail address. It's also a bad thing sometimes. But, every once in a while, a good juicy dirt story just gets dropped right in your lap 700 miles away from the source....
In Myrtle Beach, Mark McBride is one of those guys you just either love or hate. I personally don't like being viewed that way, but Mark seems to thrive on it. When people don't like you, and you're running for Mayor again, the mud will get slung at you - and that's OK, if it's honest. First, I had a YouTube clip e-mailed to me from '' , which should be easy enough to figure out who it is. Here is the clip.....
Not bad, although spending $3700 doesn't seem like a heck of a lot of money, and it depends on exactly what those things were specifically spent on. That aside, my first thought was that it'd make a decent campaign commercial - if they could figure out how to chop it down to 30 seconds, instead of 49.....
Like I said, campaign dirt will be slung, but it's the next tidbit that really made me get a sense of dishonesty here. I got a Facebook page invite from ......... Mark McBride. What, not exactly Mark McBride - it was 'Mark Mcbride'. Or was it mark mcbride, or markmcbride? Anyway, the spelling was just a tad off, so I took a quick peek at it. The header says "check out my new website , and watch my YouTube videos". The web address? . I'm friends of a couple anti-candidate groups, and none of them imply anywhere even closely to be the candidate. The 'My's' clearly indicate an attempt to decieve.....
Honestly, do I care who the Mayor of Myrtle Beach is? Not really, although I would consider Mark to be a friend - but all Republicans are my friends. Heck, I don't even know who's running, so I can't even blame anyone. That aside, if this were Mark doing this to an opponent, I would be denouncing him instead. Whoever it is, no doubt their bad judgement will be coming down on them, and their candidate as well pretty soon, which is just and right. No one should pull tactics like this. Do it the right way, fellas ...


  1. Thanks for the comments. I just want everyone to know I am running and what happened last time I was Mayor. I had a great time using the city credit card for personal items. I really liked the ski trip.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Mike-sounds like the desperate antics of a struggling incumbent vainly trying anything and everything he and his supporters can come up with to remain in office. What they all have forgotten is that at the end of the day the voters will remember these attacks and if history is any indication, there will be a lot of finger pointing on the day after the election...teg

  3. You know 'Mark', using an alternate personality IS a sign of insanity....

  4. I aint the real Mark McBride but him and Laura are my friends. Man I started getting so much stuff yesterday from a lot of people I have known for a long time. I could not believe they would even get involved with this smear tactic. I am so disappointed.

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Let me see, it is okay to "MOBY" if the butt of the attack is a republican on facebook or twitter...

    "REALMARK" I'll have to settle for the fact that Porky seems to have gotten your goat before you had the chance to sodomize it.

  6. I will have to say that I detected a tone of dishonesty on McBride's part where he refused to directly answer the reporter's questions about if he was the person posting slanderous comments by using evasive responses.

    The other videos which are shown, as well as his personal use of his official credit card are troubling as well. But it's a decision the people of Myrtle Beach will have to make, not me.

    It's not a smear tactic when it's true.
