Monday, November 02, 2009

The GOP Purges RINO's From the Party ..

Things Get Curiouser and Curiouser in the NY 23rd ......

They come not with guns or spears or other hunting tools. Instead, they are armed with telephones and campaign donations. They are the RINO Hunters, and they were out in full force this past week. Found dead on the floor - at least politically - was NY Assemblywoman and Republican congressional nominee Dede Scozzafava . Her carcass lay in a pool of flyers and slumping poll ratings, and political poachers hacked off the spot where her 'GOP' lapel pin used to be. It was pretty ugly.... Her last words were 'Vote for the Democrat !!' before a GOP operative blasted the side of her skull with a 12-gauge shotgun - hypothetically, of course.

I took a little interest in this for a couple reasons: First, the NY 23rd District is where I used to go to college Upstate. The seat opened up when John McHugh vacated it to become Barack Obama's Secretary of the Army. That's how Obama is eliminating the GOP in DC - by giving them all Cabinet positions. Sneaky bastard !! Most people think that all of New York is the same, but Upstate New York and the lower state areas are like night and day. Upstate is like the Midwest of Ohio and Pennsylvania - more conservative, gun-happy and slightly more religious, if not a bit paranoid. Secondly, Scozzafava, or Skifoza Butana, or whatever her name is, was finished off not so much from her own area, but from Republicans across the country. I heard all about this from friends in South Carolina. This barely made a blip on the radar up here.

But, the GOP has held that seat for 100 years, and when the RINO hunters heard she was Pro-Abortion, Pro-Union and - GASP !!! - for Gay Marriage, they went to work. Perhaps her biggest sin was that she was dead last in the polls, trailing the conservative and democrat candidates by 20 points. It's a bit ironic that Scozzafava is Italian, because it was just like a Mafia Hit. The family took care of business for the Democrats. The GOP has learned that every seat is important, and before they get done in by the other party, they wiped her out themselves. Nothing personal - just business.

Now, many of us in the GOP worry about the tent closing up a bit here lately. But, the truth I suppose, is that's it's all relative. District by district, each race has to be analyzed and figured out. A Republican may vote the same way as another, but have awesome approval ratings. Are you going to try to get rid of them? Of course not, because you'd be spinning your wheels. Need an example? Uhhh, I think Lindsey Graham is a pretty good one, don't you? But, the weak in the pack can find the brunt of the national party on them from now on. Nope, Dede Sackofarvabeans' problem was not that she had an 'R', over even a 'RINO' tag next to her name. Her problem was that she had an invisible 'L' next to her name, and that 'L' stood for Loser...

Better keep this one out of the next Young Republicans Meeting........


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