Monday, November 02, 2009

A Guy Who Understands Teamwork ....

John Venditto: One Guy Who Knows He Can't Do It Alone ....

Here's a question for all those second tier and poor candidates..... Ever run into a big-time incumbent who actually HELPED you on a campaign? Me neither.. It's really sad to see how often a politician takes all the credit for the bread being nice and soft, when the truth is that no one man or woman gets it done on their own. Come election time though, you'd never know it....

It's local election time here, and I thought I'd give a little shout to one guy who seems to get it - Oyster Bay Town Supervisor John Venditto. Yes, he does look a bit like a muscle guy that the mob sends to your house to get you to pay your gambling debts. But, just like a good Don, he appreciates and helps those who get his work done. Oyster Bay is one of the few last bastions of Republican control in New York, and Venditto is working hard, not only to make sure he gets re-elected, but that the entire slate stays in with him.

I tried to find a clip of his campaign ad, but it's not on his website or YouTube, so i'm out of luck. There and on his website, he asks you not only to vote for him, but he gives free publicity to Town Board candidates Chris Coschignano, Beth Faughnan , Joseph Pinto and Town Clerk candidate Steve Labriola. Shit, I would have appreciated a candidate just mentioning me at a meeting or fundraiser. In this day and age of Me First and Only politics, Venditto's approach is a rarity.....



  1. what's gonna work...teamwork

  2. A post election follow-up .... Venditto got 73% of the vote, and all three of his friends won as well. See, it works!
