Thursday, December 10, 2009

Who Shut the Heat Off ???!!!!

It's official - I'm a little bit homesick. At least weatherwise I am. It is blisteringly cold up here. The low will be about 20, and the winds are probably 25-30 MPH, which if my calculations are correct, makes the Wind Chill Factor about 5-7 degrees...... Bobby will correct me if I'm wrong. BTW, this is a picture that my sister took from last winter. It won some photo contest online.... She's always did have an eye for artistic stuff, but her political acumen sucks ! We love her anyway......


  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Mike--sorry hear your missing the ole hometown. On the way to the Clarendon GOP Christmas party tonight I was passed by a few cars from NY, ok every car that passed me was from NY. Now if you remember I have a speed limit problem and these cars all passed me like I was sitting still. Guess they were all headedin a hurry to get somewhere warmer than NY!!

    Hope you have the extra strong anti-freeze,snow shovel and chains for the tires. I will think about you when I play golf this week...teg

  2. yes Michael, the wind chill would actually be 1-3 degrees, so you were close. not that it matters when it's that cold, but let me know when you experience -70 wind chill because that was just insane. great picture from your sister!

  3. I left Chicago Friday morning. Actual 2 Degrees. Minus 21 Chill factor. Wind gusting to 50 MPH steady at 35 MPH. Snow.

  4. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Thanks for posting my pic brother!

  5. No problem, Sis. Hopefully I haven't violated any copyright infringement laws !!
