Thursday, December 10, 2009

Zhu Zhu Pets: China's Latest Attempt to Kill Us?

Beware Little Furry Asian Things.. This Applies to Women As Well .

Yeah, the Consumer Product Safety Commission may be saying that Zhu Zhu Pets are safe..... but we ain't buying that junk here. I first saw a Zhu Zhu Pet in October. More correctly, I saw the empty shelf where they used to be. It was then that I said 'Well, here's the hot toy for 2009'. Truth is, I've never seen a Zhu Zhu Pet - and I don't care.

We're sure that these little Chink hamsters are laded with so much toxic crap, that every child born between 2000 and 2008 will be dead in ten years. Zhu Zhu Pets are the most dangerous assault on our American Way of Life by China since this hit the US .....



  1. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Mike-you have to remember this is China where our household pets are considered the main course for dinner...teg

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    zhu zhu pet shop boys?

  3. Anon, your comment is leaving saying only one thing: What have I, what have I, what have I done to deserve this??!!

  4. Not Kirk and not Denny Crane12:15 PM

    Couldn't be pet shop boys, no duct tape on the hamsters... though it does offer ideas for what to do with Hello Kitty.
