Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Clyburn Redraws Line In the Sand ...

Amazing How a Story Changes In a Day .....

For the past two years, all we've heard from Democrats is how important is was for them to get a Supermajority in the Senate to avoid filibusters from Republicans, and to override vetoes. Then came yesterday.... All of a sudden, having 60 isn't THAT important. Kinda like when I broke up with that supermodel. 'She wasn't THAT hot.....'

Today's jilted lover is Jim Clyburn. There's a neat little article with The Whipper from MSNBC, where he states 'I've always said that our goal is 50, not 60.' BULLSHIT, Jim. Be honest... No one in the Democratic Party ever thought they'd lose this race. But, we all have to temper our optimism, because Health Care is not dead yet - not by a longshot.

First off, Scott Brown isn't in DC yet, so his vote means nothing. Secondly, there are proceedural options the Dems plan on using to bypass a filibuster. I'm no expert, but there's always some escape clause. There's probably a codicle to the majority party to use an 'Easy Button' twice a session.... However, it has shifted the pace that they're going about it now. Expect the Dems to rush this bill through like a guy who just got up from a catnap, and realized that his vacation flight is taking off two hours earlier than he thought... I know I do my best work when I'm totally rushed , how about you?



  1. It looks like the Democrats are content to once again, play nice, something the Republicans never worry about. See the comments from Obama, Webb, etc. about seating Brown before any vote. A weak, mistake in my book, a courtesy history shows the GOP does not extend itself.

    If you want the best summation of this race, placed in a historical context, read the email sent to TPM from a current and longtime Democrat staffer. I think it's dead on balls accurate (that's an industry term).

  2. west_rhino10:39 AM

    That damp yella line in the sand?

    I suspect that's the incontinence of discontent, indicating his route of travel.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The problem is the Speaker doesn't have any balls!! Though she does look like she took a few in the face...
