Wednesday, January 20, 2010

When You Have To Hide Taxes, Be Inventive....

One of These Bottles Of Soda Is Going to Cost 20 Cents More Than The Other Two In NY Soon... (Psst, The One on the Left)..

I just checked with the little baby-stock genius kid on E-Trade, and he regrets to inform me that I can't buy stock in just Diet Coke - I have to buy the dogshit stock of Coke with it. You know, I was really starting to like David Paterson just a bit. Not enough to vote for him, but he had balls....

For those of you who didn't know - and I'm sure most don't care - New York is having budgetary problems. Not California bad, but still, $7.4 Billion in the red is pretty bad. Governor Paterson just announced his budget for next year - which is supposed to be balanced - and he's slashing and taxing, and slashing and taxing. We like the slash part, like a modest 2-3% cut to schools across the board. Before you go freaking out at my lack of concern for the kids, realize that my local school has a budget of over $300 million for a town with about 50,000 total citizens, not just students. I know - it's never enough....

Just when I was thinking 'this guy's alright', Paterson whipped out a slew of Sin Taxes: ANOTHER dollar a pack on cigarettes (they're about $8 per pack right now), and a penny per ounce tax on sugared drinks and sodas. Yes, soda is now right along there with smokes as the evil of evils........... So, a 12 oz can will 12 cents higher,a 20 oz bottle will be 20 cents higher than Diet, and a 2 liter bottle will now be about $15 each.

Of course, there is no way to regulate this mess, but why worry about that? Retailers will either charge 20 cents more for both, or they might just ring everything up as a Diet, and save the consumers some money. My guess is the former.... It reminds me a little of the Pro-Abortion argument, where they say, 'My Body, My Choice'. Is this an example of the government tellign you what you can and can't put into your body - yeah, but just a lot... Seriously, who decided on this crap, like a Diet Coke isn't going to blow an apple-sized hole in your stomach from all the acid eventually. Ahh, but it's a beautiful death!

My South Carolinians, don't laugh - I'm sure someone in the House or Senate has a cousin up here.... The word will get out, and sooner or later, someone there will try the same thing.... Til then, I'm gonna stock up on the good stuff - in case The Big One hits...


1 comment:

  1. Soda companies are good corporate citizens. They employ people in various communities and give to those communities in times of need. One of the first companies to respond to the tragedy in Haiti was Coca-Cola with a donation of $1 million dollars to the Red Cross. On the ground, Coca-Cola is getting four thousands cases of water through to Haiti each day. Keep going Coke -- Please keep helping!

    Governor Paterson should back off the soda. It is not the source of the obesity problem. Inferior physical and nutritional education, which of course leads to poor exercise habits and ill-advised diets, are the cause of inflated waistlines. Having a salad with a Coke is far better then a bottle of water to wash down a face full of dirty water dogs. Add walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator and you’re golden.
