Saturday, February 27, 2010

Charlie Rangel, Ignorance Is Bliss - But It's Not an Excuse For Being a Crook.

That's EXACTLY How Big the Congressman's Balls Are ...

If you've read our blog for a while, you know that there are different levels of people in Congress. There are the few who try to do the right thing, whether we agree with them or not. There are the ones who think their job is to suck as much milk from the Government Tittie as possible. Then there are guys like Charles Rangel - the ones who are so full of shit, that they must assume we are all fucking idiots....

The Harlem Democrat with the Harvey Fierstein voice is probably on the Top Five of Congressmen who we wished would drop off the face of the Earth. Yes, Rangel should go even ahead of Jim Clyburn.... How's that for honesty? Why Rangel? Becuase he has been a prime example of what is wrong with Washington, and Thank God, it's finally coming back to nip him in the ass.....

This week, the House Ethics Committee bitchslapped Rangel with illegally accepting trips to the Caribbean (where else?) from a lobbyist, and other violations. Rangel, who is the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee - which writes all the tax policies - is almost guaranteed of losing his gig. Good. For years, Rangel has been exposed for dodging every policy that he writes in his legislation - and he had the balls to challenge his critics to find them. Well, they did. Careful what you wish for, Moron...

Rangel, alogn with four other Congressional Black Caucus members, went on trips that were paid for by HSBC Bank, but only Rangel knew that HSBC, which routinely lobbies Congress, was picking up the bill. For those of you who don't know, a Congressman acnnot (or isn't supposed to) accept any type of gift from a lobbyist - except millions in campaign contributions, of course. Like any good citizen who did wrong, Rangel took full responsibility - by blaming it on a staffer. Here is his comment:

"I don't want to be critical of the committee, but common sense dictates that members of Congress should not be held responsible for what could be the wrongdoing or mistakes, or errors of staff unless there's reason to believe that member knew or should have known. And there is nothing in the record to indicate the latter...."

Rangel said he didn't even know what HSBC was. Uhhh, it's one of the largest banks and finance companies in the United States, dipshit. You're a friggin Congressman that writes Tax Legislation on businesses, and you we're supposed to believe this? At this point, if he's lying about that, he's lying about everything, otherwise, why lie about 'have you ever heard of HSBC?' But, if you need more, it's there....

In 2006, Rangel asked the very same Ethics Committee if he could solicit sponsorship for the trip to St. Maarten, he was cc'd in numerous e-mails on how to solicit corporations, including HSBC, and Rangel's name was listed in letters sent to several corporations for the events, promising special time to discuss issues and photo ops... Slam Dunk! I love when Congressmen say they need to take these Pacific and Caribbean trips to 'learn and gather information'..... Funny, they always seem to be able to decide what South Carolina, Detroit and Wisconsin needs without visiting..... If you are too lazy or stupid to ensure that a trip that reeks of bullshit is legitimate, then don't act surprised when the bullshit hits the fan.

Nope, it's just another example of how DC has lost it's collective mind, and why we're pretty sure nothing positive will come out of there for the next decade. The best thing that could happen is that they do nothing, becuase we all know that sometimes, inaction IS better than bad action. Our best hope is that Rangel and his buddies will eventually retire and die, and maybe their replacements will do better.... There's always hope, right?



  1. the guy flies more than me. I see him all the time on carts being carried to his gates. He is to lazy to walk and besides he does not want the public to bother him.

  2. Anonymous11:20 AM

    He thinks he's Adam Clayton Powell, who thought NAACP meant Never Anger Adam Clayton Powell, particurlarly in the extension of his NYC district in Bimini in the Bahamas...
